Boat Show @ Long Beach: Part -1

Yeah, We went to see boat show today in the Long Beach. It seems so long that we haven’t  get out like that, the whole family was sick for few weeks, and I still not totally feeling well today, but I am glad we did make the trip, and we all enjoy the family weekend fun.

Red Bear has so many cute picture on the trip, I will have to put his pictures in part-2, because I really need more time to edit and post them.

Hope everyone have a good time with your family too!


Urban Outfitters Sweater

Vintage Shirt

Levi’s Jeans

H&M Boots

Gap Scarf

Chanel Sunglasses

22 thoughts on “Boat Show @ Long Beach: Part -1

  1. 哇,红色丝巾的各种系法有不同的风格,发现你穿红色好看,特洋气年轻,我穿的话,怎么老感觉脸很黄,但是很喜欢红色。靴子和裤子也很喜欢,腿好长好细呢,口水中。。。

  2. 所以说,丝巾更多的是用来装饰呢!搭配合适的话,就起到锦上添花的作用。冒昧问一下,姐姐的身高有1.65吗?

  3. Hey, gorgeous!!!! I have to say that this is one of my favorite outfits ever in the blogosphere! Honestly. It’s so so inspiring! I love this sweater layered over this denim shirt! And the jean look awesome on you! Gorgeous scarf too, a perfect eyecatcher! And of course I so want your boots! You’re gorgeous gorgeous! I guess that you always get many many stares when you walk! 😀 😀 Oh and I’m looking forward to part 2! 😀 😀

  4. lol….every picture you saw here, you said it’s your favorite outfits! this really make me so happy!!!!
    I didn’t know if there was any stares when I walk, I know I had to kept my eyes on Red Bear all the time! sometimes he is really pain in the Axx…lol…

  5. 呵呵, 我也是围巾特别多, 只是有时候用到的时候不多, 以后得多用用^^
    P.S 我的身高不到1.65… ^^

  6. 我看相片也发现好象自己穿红色特别上镜, 得多找找红色的穿穿 才行:D

  7. AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!! He is a pain in the heart, right??? hahahahha!!!!! 😛 And yes indeed I always tell that this is my favorite, but I promise: I do really truly mean every single thing I say 🙂 Needless to say I’m still laughing! 😀

  8. 又是家庭乐.很开心的时光吧.Hallie的搭配漂亮。长直发羡慕中。。等着看RB的照片了。哈,昨天周日我们一家也参加了一个早教中心举办的活动,RB也玩了一个上午,那种累。。是我们更累。。

  9. 咳嗽是挺缠人的,尤其是宝宝要是咳嗽起来,真是让人揪心啊!出去走走心情很好吧?多呼吸新鲜空气也利于康复,喜欢你今天的打扮,牛仔衬衣很潮啊!

  10. 上周一直生病中。。。这周仍然生病中。。。。一直在咳啊咳的,问题是想休息也不成,必须要做的工作突然推挤而来。。。

  11. 咱们都一样, 我还是一直在病中, 然后咳嗽得很厉害. 晚上睡觉都睡不好, 而且RB又精力充足的很的….不过随着天气的变暖, 现在状况已经好很多了, JIE今天感觉好多了吗?

  12. 嗯嗯, 出去走走感觉确实很好, 但是就是不能太累了, 一累了病又犯了:)
    RB玩的是餐馆给的小塑料条, 可以任意造型, 我也是第一次见呢…

  13. 呵呵, 同感, 其实带小孩真的是一件很辛苦的事情….所以我老公经常说我要24小时干着一件很重要很辛苦的工作:)

  14. pain in the heart? haha…good saying, but do you know terrible 2? I am now looking forward to his 3 years old b-day! 🙂
    And yes, you said favorite again today:) and I am smiling:)

  15. 怎么感冒咳嗽,是全球性的吗?身边好像全这样,孩子已经两个晚上没有睡好.真是咳嗽得我揪心的疼.前几天一直上不来这个网站,是因为出差换IP的事?

  16. 今天病情严重了,感冒居然也接踵而来!

  17. 天啊,JIE那你下班后一定要回家好好休息,这感冒的病只有好好休息了才能好得快的...

  18. 嗯嗯,全球性季节变化的后果!你的孩子还咳嗽,更揪心了,我和我老公还说,我们两个咳嗽就算了,宝宝可千万别咳...

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