Burgundy Dream

Dreamed so much in these nights, dreamed of people and things before when I was in China. When I looked back, I feel I can’t remember anything.People changed, things changed. I miss home…the one in China.

About my outfits today, I didn’t really want to do the burgundy mixing, turned out it’s burgundy from head to toe. Looking at those pictures, I think next time I would like to do a natural look with this bag and heels instead.

Thrifted Floral Blouse

Zara blue skinny jeans

Prada Bag

Miu Miu Heels

Sunglasses and Bracelet from Target

26 thoughts on “Burgundy Dream

  1. 不错,酒红色出来效果好漂亮哦。这鞋子好喜欢。Hallie想家了,想家里的亲人了。也快到母亲节了,Hallie怎么过?RB会送礼物吧?还有父亲节。好象一到什么节日都有想家的冲动吧。

  2. 这一套真赞 很爱这种酒红色色调 我像用裸色配出来的效果肯定也很赞呢~~

  3. 超级喜欢!酒红色,香醇的女人味!今天是不是有些小伤感啊?

  4. 别不是因为我昨天多嘴问了HALLIE什么时候回国才特别勾起想家的念头吧? 呵呵….罪过罪过. BTW: HALLIE穿啥颜色都好看哦

  5. Missing your home 🙁 Weird… I’ve always been thinking of leaving Greece and moving to New York. That’s still my dream and I HAVE to get out of this fucked up but beautiful country. I will miss it, no? You miss China too.. I really wish that one day you’ll go back there 🙂 I want you to be happy 🙂

    Anyway, you look so perfect! I have nothing else to say. For me you’re a style idol.. 🙂
    Bye bye Hallie 🙂 Kiss Red Bear!

  6. Really? You want to move to NY? well…it’s always having fun to living in different place, and you will understand once you leave home…
    You are so young, there are so many beautiful things waiting for you to explore 🙂

  7. 也不是因为jackie的话了, 想家已经很久了, 出来这么久都没有回去过…各种各样的原因…就别提了…5555

  8. 嗯嗯, 有些小伤感, 其实不止那天了, 时不时的,就会有点小伤感, 人之常情吧…

  9. 这边不怎么过父亲节, 母亲节倒是挺隆重的, 到处都是广告, 说送什么给母亲最合适的, 我也趁机要了自己想要的一份礼物.嘻嘻…

    SUE呢? 母亲节怎么过?

  10. 呵呵,我的衣服款式和颜色太多, RB的跟不上形势,哈哈!

  11. 看了hallie的文章,很感触,我在国内长大,高中毕业后就移民去了Hk,却魂牵梦萦的想念国内的家,想念自己的青葱岁月,每次做梦都是回到了旧地。当我在HK住了七年,不顾一切的抛弃了所有的一切回来,切与周围格格不入。但这期间遇到了喜欢的人结了婚,虽然我还是身份证上的港人,却因为老公而留在国内生活了。又开始怀念在港那时的好。想念某地也许怀念的仅仅是自己的青春或某个人。但现实绝对没有想念中美好。

  12. HEIDI说的正是,想念某地也许怀念的仅仅是自己的青春或某人.现实有的时候真的是没有想象中的美好.说着说着, 我又想念在中国的一切了...

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