Last Friday, I had to go to downtown to one government building for something. I feel I haven’t worn a business suit for long long time, and I set off the security scanner alarm when I got went through it — the security guy immediately asked me to take my shoes off and get through the scanner again, everything was fine after that!!! I started thinking what kind of lessons those security guys been taking? They must have been taught woman’s shoes has kind of dangerous stuff inside, and be careful!!! hahaha….Have a happy weekend everyone!
Carven Pumps
Prada Bag
Ray Ban Sunglasses
I agree with the security man. Long legs in high heels can be EXTREMELY dangerous!
I love your bag!!:)
这个,,,,为什么总有人说我象日本女人呢? ^^
but I think for security man, all high heels are dangerous…no matter short or long legs!!!
you know what I mean, and I know what your mean:D
又見這雙有翅膀的夢想鞋了~可愛> <
Prada Bag是新購入的嗎?顏色是酒紅色吧?!很高雅呢~
哈哈! 我现在知道你是什么时候开始看我的博客的了…这包包是两年前我生日老公送的礼物….颜色是酒红色, 秋冬天很配衣服, 所以夏天的时候我少有背:D
Gorgeous!Love the heels and the shirt!
So cute!! I need that skirt!
You look amazing Hallie! Love the buttoned up shirt!
amazing outfit *o*
hello mrs.Hallie
you always look amazing more more and more days!! I miss reading your blog!!
and this bussiness chic is so sexy and beautiful!! killer shoes!! the top and very cute skirt, perfect look!!
HAHAHAHAHAH, mr. Bob, hahahahah! That was a good one
It’s a gorgeous outfit nonetheless! And…the bird shoes. I don’t need to say more. The bird shoes! Perfection! I don’t think I would take them off at the security scanner. How could I be sure that the security guy wouldn’t steal them to give them to his girlfriend?! Aaaahh, Hallie wears Prada! How gorgeous is this baaaaag??? I LOVE IT!!!! Praaadaaa <3 Awesomeness!!!
Ah, business outfit on you WOW!!! You know, sometimes I wish you worked in an office… I’m sure you’d rock many awesome and alternative business looks. But what can I do? lol! Just wish for a future job
I wish you a nice start of the week, Hal! <3 I'll see you again next weekend! Many kisseees!
Those shoes are too cute !
you just look perfect!!!! ahhhhh jelous!!!!! lol u look beautiful:)
有趣的鞋子,漂亮的包包,我最爱的蓬蓬 群,这一身都让我流口水啊!
This is a very slick look. The deep burgundy hue of that Prada bag makes the entire outfit look really refined!
I love this look! You’ve got great style!
P.S. Thx for entering my giveaway
loving that top. i work in an office all day so i appreciate any and all the attempts to make business casual fun!
ps, !
Thank you Manding!:D
要是上班的话, 我估计会选条再长点的裙子吧, 这条裙子好象在办公室短了点:)
秋天选鞋子, 可选性就太强喽,,,什么类型的我都爱, 哈哈..
呵呵, 我现在好象也特别钟爱蓬蓬裙, 觉得很显腰身…:) 可爱的同时还很优雅…
Thank you Ariel!!!!
hahaah,,,,you know I do miss working on office too. I feel I am so out in so many ways now, like I don’t active in facebook, don’t tweet, sighs….when I was working as a business woman in China, I never left house without my phone, now? I always ask: where is my phone??? hahaha…
how was your weekend? I hope you got some fun beside studying? XOX
嗯嗯, 我自己也对这包有一种独特的感情, 不过话说回来, 我不太敢回头去看以前的搭配. ^^
我开始在想象看看职场打扮是什么样的? 呵呵…
嘻嘻….话说亲爱的, 你是从哪里知道我的博客的? 我也很开心在这里遇上你呢…
Thanks Yin:D
I am so in love with that Prada bag and those shoes.
Check out my $100 ASOS Gift Card Giveaway:
ASOS Giveaway
I love this look Hallie!
Shasie of Live Life in Style