Bye-Bye Summer

I can’t believe Christmas is only 3 months away, and Summer is almost ending!  Time goes so fast!

Snapped some pictures from our back yard using my Olympus Pen E-PL1 by myself, when Red Bear was in the School.  This Adore Me swimsuit in the last picture has been having so much fun with me around the pool all Summer long.

9 thoughts on “Bye-Bye Summer

  1. Hi dear Hallie, how are you honey?
    Do you believe tha here in Brazil our winter did not appear??? I love winter, i like to feel cold wind
    Our summer arrives here 4 months and is already very very hot.
    I loved the swimsuit you choose. Very chi this navy’s style. ♥
    Kisses ~.~

  2. 親愛的,我愛妳的泳裝款式!大低胸、大露背、海軍風格:)
    當然還有妳家的院子,看起來就像是漂亮的度假中心 ^^


  3. Wooow… Is that your house??? I love it, and the result of the pictures is great, I love how look the colours!

    (I don’t want summer to finish either but I can’t stand how hot the weather has been lately!!!)


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