Can I Mail My Miss to You?

Those are the pictures we took yesterday in front of the post office, couple hours later, Bob left us and gone for his trip…

Red Bear keep asking Where is Daddy, and I miss Bob so much…

Everytime I explain to Red Bear why Daddy is not here, and ask him: Will you taking care of Mom,,and I always get the same answer: YES!

I am glad we are FAMILY! and We love each other!

Gap Cardigan

Zara Denim skirt/top

Topshop Bag

Cole Haan loafers

Zara Sunglasses

15 thoughts on “Can I Mail My Miss to You?

  1. 失落+温馨。
    LG不在的日子,take care…


  2. 一直想问HALLIE 一个问题,你的照片背景模糊,人物清晰,是拍摄成的呢,还是PS的,我一直都是PS,但是有的能直接拍成这个样子,感觉特美

  3. Awww Red Bear is such a cutiiiee! 🙂 Boys are always kinda addicted with their mothers, I see it to my brother and friends. And they are 17 and 18!! hahah! Red Bear is gonna be like that forever, but if you have a daughter she will be obsessed with daddy! That’s how it goes 🙂

    Anyway, I love so much this outfit! I guess that you are one of the few people that rock flats like that! You look very elegant with this amazing denim skirt! And I love all the pieces, they are gorgeous together! And the hat looks so so so pretty on you! 🙂 🙂 You are gorgeous, I’m telling that again! 😀 😀

    Be careful! Of course, I’m not worried since Red Bear is there to take care of you! 😀 😀

  4. RB真好,he is a good boy!BOB不在的日子,Hallie有我们呢,我们一直都你身边。。。。。。

  5. 嗯嗯, 深切感受到了! 昨晚睡觉的时候拿他来当小枕头, 他也没怨言呢, 呵呵.

  6. 唉, 星期天的日子, 又下大雨又冷, 老公不在, 说起来好象挺可怜的, 呵呵…不过RB真的是好孩子, 他很听话, 也很懂得暖妈妈的心….爱死他了.

  7. ah,,,,,good to know that Boys addicted with their mothers, but then I know why all the moms feel jealous when their son grow up and find girl friend and don’t want their mom anymore…lol….am I worry to early?
    I can’t wait to have one more girl, so that I can dress her and be her stylist,,,hahah…
    What’s your wish for 2011? Demy?Mine is to have a daughter as sweet as you!

  8. ps的, 昨晚又看了些书和网上教程, 觉得现在手艺会越来越好, 嘻嘻…

  9. 😀 You’re amazing! You make me feel very good! But honestly you don’t want a daughter like me, I’m too too weird! 😛 ahhaha! Well my wish for 2011 is to develop my style! Ok, I’m realistic, I know I’m never gonna put outfits together likeyou do, but you’re an awesome inspiration. One of the greatest bloggers in the whole blogosphere, I dare say. Without exaggeration, there are fashion bloggers out there who have too many followers for their style. You are amazing and soon your blog is gonna be BIIIG!!! 😀 😀 So thanks for existing! haahah! 😀 And your daughter will be amazing! Just pray to God to look like you, inside and out!

  10. 你老公真好,马上要出差了都还帮你照相。他真的非常支持你哦!

  11. 嗯嗯, 他是个非常好的老公, 事事都很支持, 平常晚上如果遇上我喜欢看的电视, 他都让我专心看, 自己带宝宝什么的…. ^^

  12. ok, that’s the deal, let’s make each other feel very good always and forever!!!!
    In fact, your this comment makes me really really super super good there!!!
    That’s why I want to have a daughter like you, to own a kind heart and sweet spirit, make Mommy and the other people feel good. and she can own a very beautiful world just like you!

  13. 昨天试了N多次也进不了你的博客,真是着急加上火!

  14. 别急别急, 呵呵, 有些时候连我自己也登陆不了, 说是主服务器太忙什么的….
    RB是懂事, 他老爸在的时候, 每次给他刷牙, 他都不乐意, 现在他老爸出差, 他倒是我一叫刷牙他就张嘴巴,呵呵…
    这两天下雨, 他都没得出门, 我倒是担心他呢, 不得出去玩…..

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