Car Accident and Trojans

Our little family had a pretty bad car accident Tuesday, hit by a no-licensed/drunk/fake ID male with no car insurance, who tried to run from the scene!  With help of passing drivers, he was found and arrested.

Our car is totally broken now, can’t be repaired, has to be replaced.   Luckily we all had our seatbelts on [ALWAYS!], and Bob and I suffered only minor injuries, not much blood and no broken bones. Red Bear is totally fine. Yesterday we went to see a doctor to check on our sore neck/back/shoulders/etc. after the car accident. Bob and I are starting 3 times per week treatment — for how long, I can’t say yet.

In another point, if you like this background and like to see me wear T-shirt like that more often, like 3 times/week, it will be easy to do so — the photos were taken near the doctor’s office!  🙂 A friendly reminder, be careful on driving and always wear your seat-belt.

Talking about this University of Southern California Trojans print Tee Shirt, I have other colors like red and gray as well, all gifted by a friend from last Christmas.  I did not attend USC, but Bob graduated there, and he is still such a big fan of USC football team, (he used to be a good football player:), so we have so many Trojans print stuff around the house, like Red Bear’s favorite little sleeping pillow, and T shirts for me. 🙂  Red Bear even came home from the hospital when he was born wearing a tiny USC shirt!


 J.Crew Jeans(similar here), Zara Shoes(new in)?

Staccato Bag(a Chinese brand, bought it when I visited China in March),

Gifted Trojans print Tee Shirt, Karen Walker No.1, Michael Kors Watch

23 thoughts on “Car Accident and Trojans

  1. So sorry to hear about the accident Hallie:-( but the most important thing is that you are doing well and Red Bear is untouched:-) I’ll keep sending good energy for your family and hope for quick recovery both mental and physical… stay safe and well:-) BTW you are even glamorous when going to a doctor;-) Love it!!!

  2. I am so so sorry to hear about your car accident! I am glad that you and your family is alright!
    Your outfit is fab! I’ve lusting over those shoes for days pondering if I should get them:))) I think I will 🙂

  3. 親愛的,我愛妳的多變 ♥
    期待妳下一次再把老公的紅色和黃色南加州校徽T恤搭配出不同的風格來瞧瞧 ^^


  4. Oh no! I’m glad to hear you and your family are ok! And that the man who caused the accident was caught. Hopefully he will learn a lesson and be more willing to take responsibility for his actions in the future.

    On a lighter note, I love your heels and t-shirt combo, so casual chic!

  5. OM!! Praise God that you guys weren’t seriously injured. I’m glad they caught the guy.
    The t-shirt look is super cute. I may have to start wearing t-shirts. You make them look super chic! (^_^)

  6. Wow…I’m so sorry to hear that Hallie but look at the bright side…you are all fine and this is what matters most! Good that they arrested that assh….le!

  7. I am so sorry to hear about your car accident. The only good thing about it is, that you were lucky enough not to get seriously hurt! L.A. is just such a busy city. But I guess it could happen just anywhere…
    Yes, I guess I’m doing a fairly good job at making my life seem like a lot of fun with tons of sparkle:) To tell you the truth, I’ve been working my b**t off lately and have hardly slept more than 5 hours over the past few months. As a consequence I got sick over the past couple of days, but that won’t go onto instagram, of course:) There are also times where I feel bad because I’m neglecting my kids. They have to do a lot of things on their own at the moment…
    Recover well! You still look great and very stylish, as always!

  8. OMG I´m glad nothing serious happened. Hope you´ll recover soon. You look pretty as always.
    Thanks goodness you always wear your seatbelts. I really hate drunk drivers. If the guy wants to drink his
    life away okay but he shouldn´t drive!!! My best wishes to you and your family.
    You can wear tees all the time. The casual style looks great on you 😀

  9. Sorry to hear about your accident! That’s terrible, but glad your family is safe. The laid back look totally suits you!

  10. Sorry ths happened to you & your family. I ws in a similar car accident, illegal immigrant with no driver license, no insurance & the car wasn’t even belong to him; he was speeding on the wrong side of the road so had a head on collision with my car, hit then run … Not only that my car was totaled, I was in a hospital unconscious with broken arms/wrist/ and injured knees. I was a college student at the time with the most basic health insurance.
    I later found out frm the police report tht right after the dude fled the scene, he stopped at a nearby Walmart to call his friends for help bcos his hip was injured in the accident & also his car was crashed so badly tht he couldn’t drive any further. Cops sat ontop of his car hood waiting for him to come out. He was limping out of the Walmart & the cops handcuffed him right at the spot…
    Well, he was later deported. People told me the deportation was just like a “free trip” back home for him; he will be back in the US again the next day; but myself, ten years later, I was still left with medical debts, an arm with metal plate & rod, some pins use as wrist & knees that constantly bother me … Taking about being hateful, that is me !!!

  11. Oh my gosh that’s so traumatic! So glad to hear that you’re okay though, and still looking as chic as ever.

  12. Thank God you all are safe! I hope you guys feel better soon and so so glad that Red Bear wasn’t harmed. Loving the shoes hun!

  13. I adore your rock chic side! Nonchalance and elegance are two elements that you naturally possess! Beautiful!! Like I wrote on your other post, I’m so sorry you had this frigthening experience but thankfully you guys are fine now and I wish you all the best from now on!! Lots of hugs from me!

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