Charlie’s Angels | 查理的天使

Do you remember Charlie’s Angles(The original one)? The television series about three women who work for a private investigation agency, and is one of the first shows to showcase women in roles traditionally reserved for men. The series was broadcast in the USA on the ABC Television Network from 1976 to 1981 and was one of the most successful series of the 1970s.

The day when I passed this suede skirt in a thrifty store, it immediately remind me the 70’s Charlie’s Angles, full skirt, mid length, tough materiel. So today, I use a whole tawny tone and wavy hair , plus flats to finished a smart/tough/feminine agent style.  Where is Charlie? 😀


Esprit Leather Jacket

Thrifted Leopard Print Blouse/Suede Skirt

Cole Haan Loafers

Bakers Clutch

H&M Belt

30 thoughts on “Charlie’s Angels | 查理的天使

  1. 嘻嘻,现在大家对查理的天使的印象大部分都是刘玉玲,卡梅隆迪亚兹和德鲁巴里摩尔啦~~~~~

  2. 70’s风格其实很都市~~~~体现女性身材苗条修长的美,个人觉得比80年代夸张的宽松要好看~~~~我也很喜欢哩~~~~

  3. 很喜欢这个打扮,可是我的皮肤是很黄的那种,不适合这个颜色。呵呵,刚才设置了头像,看看能不能显示呢

  4. Hii!! You look so beautiful in this outfit! I already told you in Chictopia, but oh well… I like telling it twice! haha! You pull off leopard print so so greatly! And this skirt is so classic and beautiful! Awesome pictures! Your little baby is so funny! I read the responses on the previous comments and I just could not stop laughing!!!! hahaha! He is such a gentleman already!! <3
    P.S. The comments above make me so jealous! I want to learn this language so much, but you know it's like Chinese to me! hahha! 🙂


  5. Thank you Demy! you are always so sweet! I will start telling Red Bear about Untie Demy sweet words to him. 🙂 and about the language, I am glad to see some English comments though. 😀

  6. 恭喜恭喜!!!哈哈,不过你这个头像只能说是身像,头太小啦,看不清楚,哈哈!!!

  7. 其实我以前一直也有顾忌说自己不适合一些颜色,比如咖啡色,现在发现,只要全套搭配得好,什么颜色都可以试试呢.

  8. 你老说你喜欢这喜欢那,都不知道你到底哪种类型的,只知道你的靴子Girl 😀

  9. 喜欢的很多,适合穿的很少啊,所以平时我都帽衫牛仔裤,很土的说~~~~~怎么发照片给你看哩?

  10. 我觉得妳配搭得越来越有韵味了,而且也越来越不刻意了:)

  11. 怪不得了,呵呵,那天我还想说很少见你戴墨镜照相的,你快点好起来呀!!!

  12. 终于看到HALLIE穿平底鞋了,还习惯吗?这身打扮我喜欢,尤其是豹纹衬衣。让人看起来优雅。

  13. 哈哈,RB把铁携带回家…???

  14. 哈哈, 是啊,以前我也在想, 小的时候接受的教育是哪怕是小小锣丝钉都要交给警察叔叔, 说那是公共财物, 不知道现在还是不是有这种教育啊? 呵呵…RB的这铁不轻, 在中国我家那拿去卖也能得几个钱的, RB这算不算倫拿公共财物啊? 哈哈….

  15. OMG! This is great! and your son is sooo adorable!!! I have a son too he is 3 years old:D
    Your blog is so complete I’m in press! well done darling keep it up!

  16. 嘻嘻, 不同的生活有不同的味道, 有些时候我也挺怀念那种自己一个人想啥时吃睡就啥时吃睡的生活的呀, 还有去泡吧的日子, 呵呵, 现在没有了哦, 绝对的与BAR绝缘了…:D

  17. You are so sweet! thank you for your nice comments!!! and Hugs, cheers!! for being the best and happiest mom in the world. 😀

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