Christmas Eve

Sorry guys, I have been so lazy and busy in watching a Taiwanese Drama these 2 days and didn’t post anything here. But I do have a very nice Christmas! How about yours? I hope its full of joy and happiness too!

So here is what we did in the Christmas Eve, we went to a family lunch party, very traditional family party, and Bob’s dad came from Sweden, so half of food are Swedish style too. 🙂



17 thoughts on “Christmas Eve

  1. 家庭乐,好幸福的一家人。偶尔聚聚很开心的。RB应该玩得最开心了,这么多姐姐哥哥陪他玩。呵。

  2. 这一大家子真欢乐,Hallie家的bob是哪个,hallie来给指下



  3. 几天不见hallie好像真的瘦了,过圣诞是不是像我们过春节一样,亲朋好友大聚会,看你们一家人玩得好开心啊!

  4. 呵呵, 听看看描述的样子, 你们的圣诞节也很开心呢. 🙂
    可是你帮你女儿买了什么东西呀, 可以藏在枕头下的?

  5. 不是说了BOB在照相吗? 嘻嘻….
    其实我的脸是侧面看较瘦, 所以一般我照相都喜欢侧着脸….:)

  6. 其实这种大家聚在一起的机会还真是不多呢, 估计这是RB能和他的XDJM们玩的第一次呢. 大家其实都还不知道名字呢. 人太多, 真的记不住, 哈哈, 我其实现在都还没弄清谁是谁.

  7. 今天我还跟RB玩积木来着, 现在的积木做得真好, 不是木头做的, 是泡沫做的, 嘻嘻, 所以互相打来玩都没关系…

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