Color Block

In my last post, I asked if you are a weather dresser or mood dresser? my dearest reader Demy(check out her blog in Chictopia here) told me she is more like a weather dresser, you know what? I think I am the same.

So today we finally get back to the California weather! and I finally got to play color blocking! I so love with the color I wore today, pink yes! blue, yes! yellow, yes! I want to play more color blocking tomorrow, please keep your eyes on me! 🙂

One of my trick to not let Red Bear STICK on me during the photo shoot is asking him to get me flower in somewhere close, So that’s what I got today:)

Love my new hot pink nail polish?

Don’t look at Red Bear’s face please!

OK, so if you did look at his face, please don’t laugh!

Zara pink blazer

Zara blue skinny Jeans

Asos Yellow clutch

H&M coral heels

Fluxus Tee

32 thoughts on “Color Block

  1. God,I just can’t move my eyes from you.You are so charming today,just like the first flower of Spring.I love your outfit today!I just have seen all these new apparel in ZARA,can’t wait to get this pink blazer!!!
    Hey,What’s happened with RB,I just can’t stop to laugh,lol

  2. 哈…我看到了RB可爱的表情,还大声地笑了..真得超可爱哦…颜色真得好多好艳,怎么看都喜欢…就是要穿在Hallie身上才有味道的。我就是有条这样的裤子,但穿出来都不好看,更不会搭配。这个撞色也太有技巧啦。RB都快成了采花大盗了。不过是送给妈妈的,那就是好孩子了。又是温馨的画面。

  3. 撞色好看呢!好明亮抢眼的颜色呢!
    另外我们也撞裤, 几乎撞衫, 哈哈。 我也买了这条Zara的仔裤, 也买了件粉色的西装外套, 不是这件Zara的, 但是同一个颜色的, 呵呵。
    现在轮到我羡慕你了, 你们那已经换上春装了, 我们这就要慢慢的等啦!唉。

  4. Thanks, Yvonne! Zara does has the best color trendy collection! hehe…

    BTW, visited your blog too! you are so beautiful and I love your website!

  5. 哈? 还有另一件粉色的西装? 还别说, ZARA这一季的颜色太漂亮了! 我也还想再入手着兰色的西装呢, 唉…这color block潮流把我们害的, 什么颜色都想下手了, 呵呵….

  6. 嗯嗯, 我早就知道SUE也有条兰色仔裤呢, 那SUE现在知道怎么配了吗? 嘻嘻.

  7. hahah….Red Bear has a lot of interesting emotion faces. this is only one of that, I don’t know where he got that though, I never taught him anything about that. 🙂

  8. 好有范儿!偷偷问一下亲爱滴,“穿内内了莫?”哈哈,很有feel!

  9. 哈哈!还不让笑,我都笑翻了,RB真是太可爱了!

  10. 自从你更改了博里的版面以后,我发现图片显示出来都是变形的,苦恼ing~~不知道是什么原因

  11. 今天的你看起来真漂亮,年轻。看来撞色确实有好处啊。怎么不带耳环了呢?好期待哦。

  12. Omgosh!! Omgosh! I can’t believe you mentioned me!!! Omgosh!!!!! THANKS SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! No, no, forget it, I could NEVER thank you enough, NEVER!!! You so made me blush and smile and my ears are more red than a tomato right now! Thank you for this awesome feeling!! Ahhh!!! 😀

    And WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!! I have seen many bloggers do color blocking, but YOU are the best! And I’m not saying this to just flatter you, it’s the truth! You’re number 1, the perfect fashion blogger! I love it, LOVE it I tell you! Everything’s perfect, flawless, awesome, gorgeous! Gah, I wish I could speak English the way I speak Greek. I cannot express HOW MUCH I like this outfit in English, I honestly can’t…. You’re like Aphrodite, the most beautiful greek goddess! Because you ARE a goddess, there’s no doubt about that! This picture will be really popular in Chictopia, even more popular than the others, if that’s possible!! 😀

    And I did look at Red Bear’s face ahahahhahaha!!!!!!! ahahhahaha!!!! I can’t stop laughing! You are both awesome! I’m gonna meet you someday, that’s a promise 😀

  13. RB好搞笑!!!!原來你把他支開的技兩就是叫他去採花!!那你們每次都得去有花的地方拍不行???
    這套衣服很好看!! 有眼前一亮的感覺, 我也準備了大量color block, 快要出動囉~~~

  14. 呵呵, 没有花的地方就让他去捡块石头或棍子, 哈哈….反正就是给他点差使就是了…
    期待着你的color block啊!

  15. Oh, no! Red Bear Run!!! since Demy going to meet us someday and I am sure she will bite you in your face very hard!!! hahah….just a joke. But if both us believe in that, I think we will meet someday for sure!!!!
    And yes, I always wish I can speak English the way I speak Chinese, hahah…but serious, I think your English is excellent! I will be very happy if I am in your English writing level!

  16. 呵呵, 别提了, 老公一看到我穿着五颜六色的他就又说了, “我就说你穿颜色好看吧!!! 你就知道不仅春天穿, 夏天穿, 冬天秋天也要穿”, 哈哈,,,我说了, 如果不是因为现在撞色正流行….
    如果有一副大的纯绿色的耳环, 我倒是会戴, 可惜我没有, 觉得这种撞色的如果色块搭配得不好, 或者不够纯, 宁可没有…

  17. 晕, 我也不知道呢, 也有朋友说看到图片变形, 不知道是不是浏览器的问题? Doris如果不嫌麻烦的话, 试着下载个别的浏览器看看? 比如火狐?

  18. 嘻嘻, 被我老公看到又该说了, 说街上差不多个个穿黑色, 你穿颜色好看, 就应该多穿….呵呵…
    RB有时候很可爱, 有时候却让人恨得想打他…呵呵, 是不是小朋友们都这样的…

  19. 当然了,小孩儿都是这样的,他又不是布娃娃,他要是比你还懂事,你会不会接受不了?我女儿偶尔有几天很沉默的话,我就很担心,心想她怎么不捣蛋了?是不是病了?

  20. 说的是这个理, 所以有时候觉得养 孩子还是件挺温馨的事, 特别是他闭上眼睛睡着的时候, 哈哈…

  21. 我买的那件粉色的不是Zara的, 我网购的, 还没收到, 后来在Zara也看到这件, 不过我觉得已经买了就没再买, 不过现在都十几天了还没收到, 我有后悔没买这件了, 早知道先买了, 不行再退, 哈哈。 那天我们这的Zara到了件绿色的西装,双排 金扣的, 挺复古的感觉, 不过我穿好像不好看,你穿应该还不错。

  22. 你说的双排金扣的我看到了, 不过我看到的是兰色的, 如果是绿色的我就买了, 呵呵….有空我再去转转看有没有绿色的…
    你说的网购是不是在ASOS上买的呀, 这么久不到?

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