Heheh….Don’t be confused by the title, I didn’t wear color block outfits, but somehow the blue clutch and the yellow and red End sign remind me of color blocking.
Another simple summer outfits, I am pretty happy to found this floral short in the Target Kid’s section, like those little red and blue flowers, feeling young already:)
Can you believe it’s Friday again? Time goes so fast…Have a happy one, you all!
Red Bear having a fever today, pool little thing.
That’s his way to look at the airplane on the sky, He think his hand putting like that would work as telescope—see further..
H&M Sheer blouse/Belt/Socks/Bracelet
Floral Shorts Found at Target’s Kid’s Section
Jeffrey Campbell Wedges
Marc By Marc Jacobs Clutch
D&G Watch
Simple, summer chic. I like that you’re not wearing the expected sandal. Love the bright blue clutch (swoon, swoon, swoon)! I’m sorry about Red Bear’s fever. What a trooper for allowing his mama to get some outfit photos in. Hope he feels better soon!
Wearing motherhood with style.
Red Bear has fever??? Why?? Poor baby. I hope he gets well soon
He is so cute and LOL about the telescope thing! 
The shorts are perfect and the shoes are cute cute! And of course the clutch is so unexpected and beautiful! Indeed there’s a bit of color blocking going on between the clutch and the sign lol!
I’ll go through your posts to get a little inpiration 

You look pretty! I really love the tones of this outfit
I’m going out with my friends tonight (in 2 hours actually) and I don’t know what I’m going to wear
Bye bye
Wow…going out tonight? must have fun!!!:)
How about wear a floral dress? good for the summer night:)
hope you have more and more fun!!!!:)
呵呵, 是的啊, 不过要买对号码呀, 呵呵...
Before the photo shoot, we beet to Toy r us,,,that’s why he was no complaining:)
Oh. My. GOSH. I am just SO glad I found your blog today! You have absolutely amazing style and your son is ooooh so adorable. The cutest little boy I have ever seen! I just read your “about me” section and wow, it sure sounds like you’re living a pretty exciting life! Looking forward to following all of your adventures!
Ennnn,you always have good ideas how to get apparel that you seek for.I had got this idea from you,jejeje,and one day I went to the children section of h&m,I got a parka with the size for more than 14 years old…..with a very good price.:p
You look pretty and cute with this floral short,this eletric blue clutch is the key point of this outfits,and it cast beautiful reflections of the blue flowers of the short.
Poor boy ,his is having a fever agian:Q
RB我估计又是老毛病犯了,耳朵里发炎了可能, 上次就是这样, 然后眼睛有很多眼GOU, 晚上发烧,,,估计又得去找医生了...唉....
Hey, that’s not fair, I never can find one in H&M kids section, they never have my size, …hehe…you are lucky girl!:)
Hope you have a happy weekend!
Thanks Annika, you are so sweet….XOXO
omg gorgeous pictures and gorgeous outfit, especially that blue clutch i love it! and i’ve found lots of great items in the kids section at target :p
Fashion Bag 411
RB看飛機的樣子好新奇可愛!!!! 哈哈小子很有創意嘛~~~
我男友回去工作了…所以我是和我媽去旅行的啦!! 不過和他也去了兩次泰國, 有一次更是一個多月的backpacking…有點苦啦哈哈
Haha that’s funny that this post is about the signage! LOL Loving your look here and the blue clutch
Live Life in Style
嘻嘻,那我昨天没更新,岂不是很坏?有小朋友在旁边, 你还能那么清闲呀:)
哈哈,真的吗?那我很开心呀,那件衣服我很喜欢呢....亲爱的, 多去别的博客网站走走,推荐下你的活动嘛.....:)
搞不清楚了, 今天要带RB去看医生才行了,RB好象现在哪都发炎,眼睛红红的,又咳嗽,,估计也是上火了, 薯条吃多了...
The lighting in your photos are gorgeous. The vividness of your Marc by Marc Jacobs clutch is just calling out for a proper color block outfit!
这个,,,,以前在中国的时候从没碰过童装, 所以没法比较啊, 呵呵,,,,不过我们亚洲人小个子, 西方人14,15岁的时候就已经是我们这个个头了,所以能穿她们的衣服也不奇怪的:)