Monotone VS Color-Block

Yesterday, before we went out, I can’t decided if I want to wear color block or long skirt, so I found a solution: me wearing long skirt, and Red Bear wearing color block.

So which one you like better? I know, just go straight, and don’t be afraid to break my heart 😀

The best place for making girl friends is in the park. 🙂

One good thing to have a mom is she can carry your shoes.

H&M top

Forver21 Skirt

Joie Boots

Thrifted Bag

Urban Outfitters Hat

H&M flower pin

Zara Scarf/sunglasses

40 thoughts on “Monotone VS Color-Block

  1. 哈哈, 终于坐上阔别已久的沙发啦!!!!
    自然色的妈妈带着撞色的宝宝!嘻嘻。 小RB的水桶也是搭配的呢!呵呵。 看着他一天天的长大, 我们都觉得很期待, 你这个当妈妈的一定自豪死啦!

  2. ahahahah!! Your comments under the pics are hilarious, Hallie! 😀 😀

    And I’m in a very difficult position.. I ADORE your outfit, but Red Bear is the love of my life… Then again, you SHINE.. AAHH, I guess I’ll have to choose both of you (mouahahah!!!!) and that’s the most fair thing to do because you both ROCK! 😀

    I love this pretty maxi skirt, such a beautiful color! And super wow *_* for the way you styled it!!!! It’s the ‘Hallie’ way and for me that means AWESOME!!! WOW! Such a great idea to wear boots, this is awesome! I love everything! Btw, I always feel like such an idiot when I’m commenting to your outfits, because what I only can think of is “Oh MY GOD!!!!!! Pure beauty!!!”, I’m really speechless every time! 😀 😀 I just want you to know that I LOVE your style!

    Many many kisses (to Red Bear as well :D)
    I’m going to sleep 🙂

  3. 哈哈!什么时候变得不自信了?RB的撞色很棒,你的长裙LOOK也很个性啊!

  4. HALLIE的这身打扮,我觉得和之前的STYLE有很大区别,是另外的一种风格。不错,我支持你的多元化。这样每天的心情都是靓靓的。

  5. 最近Hallie很喜欢长裙呢 呵呵 配上miu miu的高跟鞋不知道什么效果呢~~

  6. 亲爱的

  7. 很喜歡你的包包!!! 又是thrifted的….真是看到心癢癢呀~~~~

  8. 我看了你今天长裙的搭配,也很漂亮呢:)你羡慕我的包包,我还羡慕你能淘到那种那么漂亮颜色的长裙呢:D
    关于你的观点,我就不告诉Red Bear 了啊,哈哈!

  9. 我的 ( momo 爱我吧一生一世!)

  10. 对啊,不仅喜欢长裙,还喜欢颜色,呵呵...今天穿了Miu Miu的高跟鞋,不过不是配的长裙.^^

  11. 我也是,所以虽说这裙子是大号的,我都硬买了.呵呵...RB现在可能吃了,不长大是对不起大家滴:D

  12. 按我的话说,其实每个人的性格里都有那么点"所有元素",而个人性格也表现在穿衣上,所以经常换换点花样,提醒自己又当妈又当妻子又当女儿又当~~~~~

  13. 自由自在的远行者,我形容我好喜欢:), 想着想着,我都想穿着我身旅游去了...

  14. Isn’t those skirts are so for the spring /summer? I am waiting to see how will you style it. ;D

  15. haha,,,my comments part just making fun of Red Bear:) and at the same time make myself and you happy:)
    Talking about love of your life…can I ask if Demy has a love one now? I mean, the serious one…:D
    I know why you are speechless everytime, because you can only type and can’t talk…hahah….just joke…(not a good one) :))
    Me and Red Bear will try to kiss you in your sweet dream :))

  16. RB的小水桶是别的小朋友的,他就拿来玩,走的时候还拿走人家一辆小车车,我们两口子苦口嘙心的说了一堆道理,他才很不情愿的还给人家..哈哈,以后你就知道了.我也很期待你加入当妈队伍呢!^^

  17. 好会享受生活的妈妈啊! 一开始再chic上看到你还以为是日本人呢呵呵 支持一下!

  18. hahahha! Oh yes, it WAS a good one!!! 😀 And well actually no, I don’t have a boyfriend and I don’t want to find one now, because I don’t want nothing and noone to hold me back from my studies. I know, you’d probably think I’m a nerd (SO TRUE!!! :P) but I have a dream, and I want to make it reality! I want to travel the world (like YOU did!)! 🙂 You’re an awesome person, you know that? 🙂

  19. 哈哈,你还别说,以前一去北方出差,我就冒充外国人,比如日本人啊,新加坡人啊什么,然后故意把普通话腔调弄得怪怪,所以都被人误以为是新加坡人什么的.如果不开口,都说是日本人:)

  20. I understand your reason for not looking for a bf now…you are really a good girl, and I admire you for that,,,keep going girl! I believe you will have a very bright future and a loving family of you own!

  21. 一样是长裙,这身却是完全不一样的风格,真是越来越佩服你的搭配功力了!

  22. 咦,你一提醒我突然想起来,我还有一条很不错的白色长裙,回去找找看还能不能穿。白色长裙是不是应该配稍微艳些的上装?

  23. 哈哈哈哈…謝謝你呵…我還不想RB不喜歡我這位姐姐啦….
    我本來就想說, 這一組照片, 有好幾張都適合放去chictopia, 但我就覺得第一張最好 🙂
    我那條裙子呀, 也真算淘到寶, 雖然不至於4元美金那麼便宜, 但在港澳來說是很好的價, 我也是和隨便看進一間店子看到的, 無心插柳
    今天和BF網上通訊(他要離開一個月了!!)他告訴我上了首頁, 我說怎麼我沒看到, 原來他把你看成是我了!!! (就是和RB這一張) 他說看起來差不多以為是我!!!哈哈哈哈哈哈…原來我們有姐妹相~~

  24. 哈哈, 可不是嘛, 都戴着墨镜, 穿长裙的, 不看清楚还真以为一个人来的…^^不过我如果看上去有你那么年轻, 我也开心哦:)

  25. 白色长裙很好配呀, 艳色的也好, 弄全白的也好, 牛仔衬衣也行, 关键是看你当时什么心情^^

  26. 是嘛!哈哈 那肯定把大家都弄晕乎了。其实我看到你个人主页上的中文还是很开心的,感觉好亲切啊因为我现在也在国外~ 我们中国也是有fashionicon的 耶~ 😉

  27. 谢谢mmilky, 话说你在Chictopia上的ID是什么呀? 想找你来看看. 嘻嘻^^, 还有亲爱的现在在国外哪里?

  28. “hallieadmin Reply
    April 5, 2011 at 11:47 am 哈哈,你还别说,以前一去北方出差,我就冒充外国人,比如日本人啊,新加坡人啊什么,然后故意把普通话腔调弄得怪怪,所以都被人误以为是新加坡人什么的.如果不开口,都说是日本人:)”


  29. oh 我还没有注册呢哈哈~在潜水看而已。
    我在英国约克读书:) 因为还没有赚钱呢 所以不敢多买衣服哈~

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