Country Lady

I bought this hat long time ago, no matter what I wear with it, I always feel like a country lady. No?

How was everyone’s weekend? After a sweet and happy Mother’s Day weekend, we are planning to go to Yosemite this weekend [weather and business permitting].  Any friends ever been there? And do you have any good ideas for traveling there? I can’t wait to hear from you.

Red Bear’s Breakfast time. No! we are not advertising  that cereal!

Forever21 lace dress(old)

Zara blazer(old)

Urban Outfitters hat(old)

Miu Miu Heels

24 thoughts on “Country Lady

  1. 我有件长T也是这个花边来的,长度和款式差不多,我一直没穿,不知当上衣还是裙子,而且单穿好象很单调,现在看了Hallie的搭配,可以尝试这样的穿法哦。谢谢Hallie。不过应该没Hallie穿得这么漂亮。

  2. 帽子挺好看的啊!要去旅行了?那不是又可以分享你们的旅行游记?

  3. 不会是穿着这么高的高跟鞋去旅行吧?难道过后又偷偷换鞋?嘿嘿~~~

  4. 我们还没有去旅行啊,,,呵呵,是不是我写得不清楚?

  5. 嗯嗯,希望到时候天气配合吧,好象那里还有雪,,,^^

  6. 我这个是裙子来的,比较短的那种,我还挺喜欢这蕾丝的,呵呵..

  7. Hallie:喜欢你的西装外套来的,发现你的好多搭配里都有,发现自已没有这型的外套还真是少了件重要的衣衣来的,以前不知道有这么多的搭法,谢谢你启发了我的灵感。还有到时我穿长裙的话我会拍下传到你邮箱的,但是怕穿不出你那种感觉,自信太重要了。

  8. 期待着你的长裙相片哦!

  9. Hi! I googled ‘Yosemite’ because that’s the first time I hear of it and OH TO THE EM GEE!!!!!! Seriously?? This is a heaven! WOW! Have fun over there! I hope that the weather won’t ruin your plans… 🙂

    And I’m sure that Red Bear could advertise the cereal. I’ve always thought that he is as beautiful as the children that advertise Pampers or Kinder eggs (you know, the chocolate eggs, I’m not sure if you have them in USA)

    And about the outfit, I’m like that: *_* *_*! 😀 You are wonderful! I really like how the blazer looks with the dress and the hat is just like the cherry on top! Pretty pretty! 🙂 And the shoes…TOTALLY obsessed! I WANT THEM!!!! It was love at first sight <3 <3 <3 😛

  10. Well…if you are talking about Chocolate eggs, we do have it, for the Halloween. But me and Red Bear are not chocolate lover, so most of the time, Red Bear play the eggs like toy, he likes to take the eggs paper off, and let them melt all around the house, no, not that bad…but pretty close)

  11. 谢谢Doris,有了你们每天的鼓励,我这里才有了动力!^^

  12. oh god..those shoes….i’m drooling all over my laptop..hehhe!! looking super fab as the touch of the hat..:)

  13. Wow, you look awsome, I mean, really , what a great style u have, thanks good u came out with a blog so i we can find some inspiration.
    Im now a follower!!
    Kisses from mexico and keep on bloggin’


  14. That’s such beautiful words you gave to me sweetie, thank you so much! You have a beautiful style and website too!XX

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