Crochet Dress

Do you remember I have a post last year, it’s about me obsessing the crochet trend after seeing Chanel resort 2010/11  show, and talking about to start doing crochet by myself again.Somehow my crochet project is never happen, heheh….but I finally get a crochet dress recently.

Before we came out, the weather was really good, very sunny, but after breakfast, it’s very cloudy and raining, OMG, I was freeze, especially my feet.I am afraid I have catch cold already!!! :((

Forever21 Crochet Dress

River Island Leather Jacket

H&M faux Leather Pants

Zara Scarf

Tory Burch Heels

13 thoughts on “Crochet Dress

  1. 亲耐滴你还会钩针呢?真牛~~~~钩花裙很妩媚啊,和皮裤夹克特别有搭配感~~~~~

  2. “我的天啊!当时真是冷坏了,特别是那双没穿袜子的脚丫子.晕,,,感觉感冒要来了.” 哈哈哈哈,喜欢HALLIE说话的方式,可爱啊~ 这个大钩衫的花纹真好看。

  3. Aww!! You look so beautiful! This dress is absolutelu stunning and I WAAAANT your shoes! Great scarf and hat too! You always look really stylish! And Red Bear is such a beauty! Such a handsome little boy! I love him! 🙂 I see that you’re learning him the fashion secrets! haha! 🙂

  4. 会一点点啦,嘻嘻,不过已经N久不钩了,现在估计也弄不出什么名堂来了.随口吹吹牛还行.哈哈

  5. 辛苦了,每天都给我们这么多美美的照片欣赏,却不知道满是笑容背后的辛苦哦!

  6. hallie一定要注意保暖啊,千万别感冒了!

  7. 嘻嘻,别等了,这样买现成的来得方便...不过这件裙子我穿得还是不怎么来感觉呢...穿起来自己看还是有点怪怪的:)

  8. 嘻嘻,也没有那么严重啦,一般情况下,就是几分钟的拍照时间,不辛苦的,再说了,我臭美的时候不怕辛苦的,哈哈...

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