Dance With My New Bag

Like my new thrift shopped bag? it’s colorful, it’s light, it’s chic, I just want to dance with her. 🙂

Bob went to work early today, because he has to come back home early and watch a very important football game (to him) tonight, and I am planing go shopping for my Birthday gift, (my birthday is not today yet. haha…)how exciting!  In fact, I do have some ideas about what I want, let’s see if those babies still in the store. 🙂

Forever21 dress/sweater

Jessica Simpson Heels

Thrifted vintage bag

Nordstrom Hat

Free People Socks

9 thoughts on “Dance With My New Bag

  1. 包包很漂亮!小巧、精致,喜欢!

  2. 呵呵,到生日那天一定通知大家,因为我也想接受大家在网上的祝福:)

  3. 有时候在F21淘淘,还是能淘到点宝的呢..

  4. 嘻嘻,我看你的贴子,真的是从头包到脚,我看着都冷了,离得也不是很远,怎的温度就差这么多咧.^^

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