Dark Side

First time I took my new Alexander Wang Freja out for a walk, other than scratching my foot a little like most other new shoes do the first time you wear them, I would say they’re beautiful and not hard walking babies!

It’s been long time since I’ve worn all black or mostly black. Bob this morning teased me, ” Where is the Hallie I used to know? She used to wear black all the time, and now looking at her blog, so colorful and beautiful…”…hehehh….So I have to thanks to this pair of Freja to bring my dark side out again!

Alexander Wang Clutch

Alexander Wang Freja Booties

Zara Skirt

H&M Hat

William Rast for Target Denim Shirt

Ray Ban sunglasses

24 thoughts on “Dark Side

  1. 簡單中又不失時尚的打扮。




  2. 啊~我相簿的連結被我兒子多打了幾個字…真是的!

  3. 靴子真是点睛之笔!因为有漆皮和蓝色编织,所以不沉闷还显出细节精致。

  4. 鞋子真得很漂亮,很高贵的感觉。黑色也很好,充满神秘而性感的味道。Hallie是百变天后咯,还是“色”姑娘。什么颜色都搭配得淋漓尽致的。服了服了。Hallie老公会欣赏这一黑造型吗?小RB在地上又在耍什么呢?

  5. RB搞什麼了哈哈那張照片很搞鬼!alexandra wang的鞋子跟包包我都很喜歡只是不捨得買•這雙很好看!想不到還好走路!

  6. Ennnn,the first run of Alexandra Wang’s freja booties,great!I love it,it’s the style i like,:P. It’s chic and sexy,fantastic! The second photo you look really stunning with this outfits!
    Kisses! Saludo a tu familia! una brazo muy fuerte!:D

  7. 我老公呀, 他现在我穿什么他都说好看, 哈哈…他的嘴巴也特别甜的.
    当时RB躺在地上装”死”, 我们两连叫:那地脏死啦! 哈哈…..

  8. 是特意减肥啊, 我和老公两人一起, 呵呵, 他是减少米饭和面食的摄取, 我就是喝减肥茶^^

  9. 不是鞋子被刮伤, 是我的脚被鞋子刮伤了啦:)
    听你说话的样子, 你老公也是很疼你的.:) 所以你才这么任性的是不是? ^^

  10. 上街为何不可呀? 关键是看你在街上呆多长时间吧,呵呵...

  11. WOW black! On you! I can’t even remember the last time you wore black! Your dark side is amazing, if I might say so, and you look seeexyy 😀 It’s true that you rooocked these babies! Noone could style these Wangs better, I’m sure about this! And the Ray Bans are the wayfarers, aren’t they? Mine are a bit different, but yours are awesome! 🙂 Love the hat as well! I too bought a hat or to be honest, my brother bought it for me on his birthday. Yes, HE bought ME a present lol! But I got him a super delicious cake and a super awesome jacket 😀 Aaanyway, I love seeing you wearing black, but I also love seeing you wearing colors, so I’m looking forward to every outfit! 😀

  12. indeed, my this pair of Ray Ban is round, I have another pair of wayfarers, they do look a little bit different. you are right about that! 😀
    may I say I am looking forward to see you showing your outfits again too:D

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