Wore this to send Red Bear to the school today; he looked at me and very seriously said, “Mommy, you look different today.” I asked him, “Is that good or bad?” “Good!” he said.
The first thing Red Bear did in school while I was still there, the teacher taught the preschoolers how to wash their little cloth napkins and table-cloths and hang them TO DRY on a little [kid-height] clothesline with wooden clothespins. I know most of the other kids, just like Red Bear, they never saw these things before; for them, doing laundry means machine in and machine out. Every of them learned how to do the natural laundry work very fast though! The senior German teacher lady told me, “Everyday we teach a little bit different things for them, and let them know there are a big worlds out there.”
The day when I received this necklace from 31 bits, reading the story behind the brand really touch my heart. The brand purchases jewelry made by hand by women in Uganda, at the same time providing those ladies with fair income and letting us enjoy African design and products. The brand funds both the US operations as well as the development programming in Uganda. Their goal is to continue purchasing jewelry from their African beneficiaries, as well as provide them with holistic development programs, equipping them to develop individual careers and attain social equity.
While I am here in the comfort and safety of my own life, thinking about “big issues” like what to have for dinner tonight [fish, chicken, tofu?] or what to wear for my next outfit post, or how to catch all the runway shows during Fashion Week, there are a lot of women throughout the world struggling hard to survive and just to get food for their kids. There is a big world out there, seeing the difference makes me more cherish what I have right now.
31 bits Necklace, Vintage dress, Levi’s Belt,H&M hat and sunglasses, Miu Miu Pumps
Red Bear sounds so cute! What an adorable kid you have! You look amazing as always, Hallie!
This is a very sweet outfit.
i love this outfit from head to toe! just like the ladies back in the days where everyone was prim & proper, like a lady. and the dots on dots is an extra bonus!! <333
RB is a really observant little fellow! *thumbs up* and his school is really good to teach little kids little things like handwashing little napkin and hanging them to dry on little clothes line. they will learn to appreciate things more growing up in such environment.
Very nice!That is one great skirt!
fantastic shoes!
Pretty outfit!
very lovely outfit)
i really enjoyed this post and think the outfit is very flattering on you. The hat is darling. But I can’t believe not one person (in english) didn’t say anything about the companies cause or how we should all be greatful we can be on our computers and read blog post when others aren’t eatting. But any ways Love the outfit the post will definitely buy some jewelry from there soon.
Such a pretty look! It has a vintage thing going on with it. That is a great story behind 31 Bits. Reading that make me thankful for my life and the things God has blessed me with. (^_^)
Lovely outfit Hallie and very touching story. It is always good to be aware of what reality looks like for many others who are not as fortunate as we are. I learned to appreciate things so much more after living away from my home where I was so spoiled…
Sorry I can’t leave comments on all of your posts. I try to do my best keeping up with other’s blogs:)
A very pretty, feminine outfit! Love that you try different looks!
Love whole look! Much love to youuu<333
“there are a lot of women throughout the world struggling hard to survive and just to get food for their kids.”
I think about it each day… and my heart is breaking. But thanks to this, I can rate each minute of my great happiness and say to God: “Thank you so much!” And, also, I’m learning to be compassionate…
Amazing.. U look so retro, and just perfect how hubby took all the shots ~~ so vintagey effect.. And your hair the braid comes so perfect to complete the look.
I am with you about the thoughts on being aware of life’s reality for other woman outside the outfit, the brand to buy and other things superficial.. And how u awake our consciousness to be more realistic than materialistic.. It is always good to give back in some little sort ways for not all people are showered with luxuriant lifestyle.