DIY: Blanket Cape

This morning I was cleaning around the house, changing bedding, etc., and I found this packed blanket from Christmas gift, after I unpacked it, I love its soft and attractive pattern. I have been looking for a tablecloth to DIY a scarf or skirt or something, and immediately think of to make this blanket as a cape.It’s easy though, adding a belt and that’s it. 🙂 oh, and don’t forget the flower pin.

DIY Cape

H&M fake Leather pants and Flower Pin

Forever21 Shoes

Asos Belt/Zara Lace Top/Material Girl Necklace

16 thoughts on “DIY: Blanket Cape

  1. 哇, HALLIE太厉害了, 学习了. 明天要去法国德国十几天, HALLIE觉得现在最值得在那边买啥好呢?

  2. 哇, 你又要出国去了, 真羡慕哇! 现在还管什么值得买什么不值得买的呀? 只要有能力, 喜欢的就买,,,嘻嘻…

  3. 还暖, 还多用, 呵呵…不过就是不能活动太大, 动多了, 就松了, 不过松了, 用皮带再扎扎就又可以了. ^^

  4. 报告, 第一天就买了一个CARTIER蓝气球表和一个红色的DIOR包包, 不是LADY DIOR哦, 是小香款的但是觉得比小香实用呢, 装得多, 呵呵。。。眼花缭乱的不知道买啥就只好挑下经典款了

  5. 哇, 你才第一天就已经收购这么多啦!!! 早就听别人说过C的兰气球表, 很好看呢! 红红的DIOR包包, 呵呵, 是不是买个自己过年的礼物呀?
    回来后找个时间拍些图片晒晒货吧!!! 强烈建议:)

  6. 不是桌布了啦, 是毯子, 嘻嘻, 不过也差不多….:))亲爱的, 你们得放假没?

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