Was in the mood to DIY a studded collar which is so popular right now, but haven’t had time to find some studs yet. By a chance I came across this Giuseppe Zanotti Design featuring pointed toe with silver toe cap pumps, so I thought I can make it my way by just using some Mylar foil wrap and super glue which I have at home. It was easy and the result came out not too bad. If you want to try this DIY project, the first time I suggest you to find a pair of inexpensive pumps or a pair you don’t wear anymore. Mine was from H&M on sale for $5!
DIY Silver pointed toe caps pumps
H&M striped sweater and bracelet and sunglasses
Zara Skinny Jeans
Carlos Falchi Bag
Forever21 ring
Topshop necklace
Nice idea…They look really nice it makes the coral color heels a bit more edgy. =)
H&M is awesome.
Love em!They look really nice and so does the outfit!
Wow, they turned out awesome!!! I think I should give it a try
做的和Giuseppe Zanotti 的銀帽鞋一模一樣!妳不說還以為是買的呢!
還有那可愛的國旗消防栓,實在是太可愛了!連RB都忍不注多看一眼,哈哈> <
I love this, those shoes are amazing and with that outfit, Wow. i love that necklace also, you really look so beautiful and classy.
WOW Hallie this is amazing!First thing in the morning I’m going in the hunt for inexpensive shoes!!Love the idea!
This is GENIUS! love your blog, a fan of yours on lookbook
You have great timing, because I just pinned an image of metallic tipped shoes as a reminder for a little diy. Your project turned out very nicely! Thanks for the idea. I’m going to try a couple different things. Maybe another idea is to find a metallic spray–for a satin finish rather than glossy.
Love the coral bright blue color combination!
W O W!!!!!!!!! I’m taking my hat off!!! WOW!!!! You’re sooo creative and awesome! You should be a stylist AND a model! You’d be the most talented by now! I will try to copy this DIY, it doesn’t sound too dificult! Thanks so much for all these amazin ideas you provide us with! You make my life better

I totally adore your hair like this, by the way. It reminds me of these mid-war movies! You’re stunning! And the outfit is amazing too! The colors look perfect together and the decision to alter this bag was the.best.decision.evaaa!!!! It’s growing on me and I wish I had it! It’s a classic piece and I don’t think it’ll ever go out of fashion! Your nail color is perfect as well
Oh and Red Bear’s rainbow tee is cuuute and soo..happy! I love it! And I also love this…water thing, that I don’t know what it’s called in English, lol, but it’s so beautiful with the American flag drawn on it!
Thank you Van! a metallic spray is really a good idea!!!! but yesterday I was just using anything I have at home, I bet the spray one will do a lot better
其实实物看还是比较粗糙的, 也就是一次性用的那种, 呵呵…其实我也喜欢这鞋的颜色, 就是穿起来很难穿, 每回穿 回到家脚都痛得要死:(
消防栓不知道是谁弄的, 弄得挺有艺术感的…
我那项链呀, 也不知道什么材质, 反正不贵的那种…呵呵..RB是胖了呢, 今天帮他剪头发, 头发短了他的脸就更圆了:)