DIY: The Cutting Game

Two of the projects I did today while organizing the closet:

1. Separated an old one-piece sun dress into two pieces, a bandeau top and a skirt. I can’t wait to take them for a walk now! 🙂

2. Cut those short sleeves off from this old Zara leather-like dress (Sorry, I forget to take picture before I cut the sleeve — it was really a sudden idea!).  I’m still thinking if I should cut it in half for a cropped leather top — what do you think?

14 thoughts on “DIY: The Cutting Game

  1. It would be cute if you made a peplum shirt out of the leather dress. Cut the lower part off the dress and use that excess material for the peplum

  2. 半截抹胸…好性感!我也迫不及待要見妳穿上它了!

  3. You’re too fast for me Darling, I can’t keep up with your posts:)
    Well done for the flower dress! The bandeau and skirt are much more modern now.
    Not sure about cutting that dress in half, though. I think because the cut is sort of an A-line, the top would stick out too much?
    Let me know what you did!

  4. Great job Hallie!!! Wanna see pics of that!!!! I would totally cut the leather dress in two pieces. That gives you so many different combos and I´m sure all of them would look awesome 😀


  5. great idea hallie! thanks for sharing! I’ll probably cut my playsuits into 2 piece since I never wear them. I think u should cut the Zara dress into 2 pieces too as u’ll have the choice of wearing together or separately! xoxo

  6. I love altering the clothes that are already in my closet! I say cut away!! That dress will look super cute as a top!

  7. Enjoying what you’ve done to the sundress and I’m intrigued to see if you’ll leave the zara dress or alter it more! Good luck deciding! (:

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