Early Bird

We had really hot weather today in Los Angeles — almost 100-degrees [38-C] in our neighborhood. These pictures were taken a few days ago.  We were up very early to go to breakfast, so I still wore a jacket.

After being parents, we have become early-birds, go to bed earlier and wake up earlier, no matter whether it’s weekend or work day. Maybe that’s why people say life changes after you have a kid. 🙂

Express White Blazer(old)

Zara tank and white pants

Chanel Bag

Theysken’s Theory Wedges

D&G Watch

H&M ring

Vintage Necklace

29 thoughts on “Early Bird

  1. 第二张的照片,眼神略显犀利哦!好像在说:看什么看!呵呵!

  2. 帅气哦, 唉, 我也好多年没得睡到自然醒了, 还有, 和儿子一起没敢穿白色的衣服过, 想象一下RB拿着棒棒糖走过来抱住妈妈…嘿嘿…

  3. 哈哈, 别提了, 我当时左躲右躲, 白衣服是没沾上, 头发尾却被沾上了, 幸好身边一直带有湿纸巾, 赶紧抹掉, 哈哈...

  4. Good morning Hallie! 😀 You look SO taned in these pictures! Even more tan that your last outfit post! Maybe it’s because of the contrast with the pale tones. It really really suits you 🙂 And the outfit is killer! It’s so so so chic and elegant! This blazer is one of the most beautiful white blazers I’ve ever seen. The structure of it is perfect! LOVE it! And the necklace and shoes are to die for! Basically I love the whole look ahahha! You’re stunning! I’m so jealous of your hair! You’re getting prettier and prettier every day! 🙂
    Yeah maybe that’s what people mean lol! A kid is a big step! But it’s better to wake up early. You can do many many things. I always wake up around 7.30-8.00 because I want to have more free hours. haha, my friends don’t agree, though! They sleep till noon in the summer so I end up doing things on my own or with my mom lol! Anyway, Red Bear is sooooo cute in this bee-top! 😀 He is an adooooorable child! I would always be all ‘aaah’-s and ‘awwww’-s and ‘how cute’-s if I met him!
    Kisses to both of you! Have a nice day 😉

  5. Hallie真的很瘦哦。是因为你也素食了吗?不过应该是吃肉的不多吧。就是无形中减肥了。有比生之前瘦吗?看来应该要增肥,调养身体啊。你是有这个计划吗?嘻。

  6. 小麥色的肌膚,配上白色的裝扮,最相襯了。



  7. 哈哈,忘了說:我好喜歡hallie不戴墨鏡的樣子,真美~~

  8. BEAUTiFUL. I love this look. So perfect for summer. Are your pants a different shade of white from the jacket? Red Bear shoes are pretty cool, too. High tops!!
    Van // The Clothes We Wear
    Wearing motherhood with style.

  9. 发现你的皮肤是有些小麦色了,不知为什么,我老公总是喜欢女人肤如凝脂,虽然他经常钓鱼脸晒黑了,可是身上比我还白,我想尽一切办法想要变白,可惜效果真的不明显,呵呵!

  10. Hallie,我最近有看那蔡美儿的《虎妈战歌》,看到她的教育方法真的很中国式,应该比中国的更厉害,象我是有中国式的根源,但又向往西方的教育方法,看了以后很纠结的,究竟是保持还是吸取呢?Hallie呢?有什么见解?不过肯定的是,要成才应该要付出很多的。看是向往自由简单的生活还是辛苦而精彩的生活?

  11. I love your shoes! its so unique 🙂
    hahaha seeing red bear chew lollipop just like me, loving lollipop so much! hehehe 😀

  12. Hallie 哇咔咔,知性OUTFIT 的BR 妈咪


  13. 如何保持身材呀? 还不是少吃多动? 呵呵, 现在咱们不是天天去散步, 就是游泳, 反正是跟着RB动就是了, ^^

  14. 看过一些介绍, 这边也有很多种关于此类教育方法的讨论呢. 说真的, 现在孩子还小, 我也没仔细想过这问题, 但是我想估计我不会象她对待小孩子那样, 但也不会太放任. 还是根据今后的实际情况来说吧^^

  15. 要让皮肤变白, 我的方法没有, 变黑却很容易啊, 哈哈…反正你老公已经是你的人了, 你就让他喜欢你的这个样子呗…

  16. yes, the pants and jacket are different shade of white, but pretty close.:)

  17. 我是在眼睛状态好的情况下才可以不戴墨镜, 现在经常性的, 眼睛是又肿又黑的….夜间喝水多的问题吧…还有可能用电脑太多, 还有是象我妹妹说的, 肾虚, 哈哈…

  18. 怀念就穿啊, 只要不是那种很骄嫩的料子, 我全部丢洗衣机再用漂白剂, 嘻嘻..

    我老公是喜欢我穿艳色呢,,,以前刚认识他的时候我经常穿的是黑色…现在他可开心了, 呵呵

  19. 我还不是全部吃素, 只是少吃肉而已.至于调养身体, 那是经常进行时, 放松不得的, 呵呵. 比如每天要吃维他命丸什么的….SUE呢?

  20. You surprise me that you are a early bird too! wow..I know most of the youths like to sleep to noon, (like I was before), lol…I think your mom must love you very much(of course!), you are her good helper and best friend, am I right?
    About Red Bear, yes, indeed, when we are out, if people passed Red Bear and didn’t say he is cute, that person must be blind or too mean, hahah,,,,:D

  21. 偶尔吃一下维C之类。但坚持不了,记得就吃一下,反正身体是弱了不少,最近烦也是身体问题,Hallie是吃什么保健的呢?看你身体和精神都很好呢。

  22. Beautiful! Love the blazer! I also like how you put pictures of Red Bear every once in a while. It’s like we all get to watch him grow up. He is so cute!!

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