Easy Breezy

How was your weekend, all my beautiful friends! It’s another busy but relaxed weekend for us, nothing special and big, all about foods and fun:), the whole family together.

This was what I wore last Friday to the Grove Shopping center and Farmer’s Market.  It felt so good to walk around the stores with this  “easy-breezy” back top . In the last picture here, Red Bear got to ring the bell of the trolley car in the Grove Shopping Center. “That was fun!” he said:)

In Chinese:

La Rok Top

Levi’s Jeans

Bernardo fringe sandals

Miu Miu Bag

Lucky Brand Starfish Bangle

39 thoughts on “Easy Breezy

  1. 第一張照片很美喔!!!!!


  2. 我这段时间也晒黑了呢, 那天我老公盯 着我看, 突然说了句, 发现你被晒黑了, 晕…..

  3. 其實也不用太擔心,像我們白膚底的人,很容易又白回來…
    我們都是天生麗質嘛> <

  4. 哈哈, 其实我也不怕晒的, 而且再怎么白也不如这边的白人白. 我也是轻易不敢不擦防晒, 因为以前去欧洲一趟晒伤了, 有了日光炎, 所以有时候晒多了皮肤会发痒.

  5. ı like ur hair style! somehow it seems different..

    About the outfit, loved the back details of ur blouse.. + amazing sandals.. comfortable?

    he is a cutie by d way (:

  6. Ok, now I SERIOUSLY love this outfit! It outreaches the borders of perfection, it’s out of this world! And the weird thing is that it’s kinda casual. How talented can you are? WOW! Love love love the jeans, the color is kiiilling me and the top is so gorgeous! The back is unexpected and sexyyy <3 Beautiful! And don't get me started on the sandals! *Shoe lust, shoe lust, shoe lust* 😀 You're stunning! And you look more beautiful than ever 🙂
    HAHAHA! Red Bear is so funny! He is the cutest child ever! I so adore this picture with the lollipop! I feel like he is a little cousin of mine or something lol 🙂
    Kisses to both of you! 🙂

  7. 上衣小感性哦。应该很凉爽吧。背部线条很美很诱惑。喜欢那上衣。看到RB在舔那糖,应该很好吃。我家YY很想吃了。整天说吃波板糖。对啦,Hallie有看中国达人秀吗?广西南宁那小伙子得冠军。我会想到你。嘻。。

  8. You are one hot, sexy mama…I don’t know how you manage to look sooo goood even in a casual attire but I do love that top of yours;)
    I love the second pic…its simply adorable<3 …your weekend seems a lot of fun..well atleast better than mine!!

  9. 好凉快的衣服哦,如果在国内穿估计街上的回头率会很高呢,呵呵

  10. Nice to see you with easy breezy outfits,it looks really comfortable but chic! the top seems simple but really stunning:P!

  11. Aww Hallie, you are so naturally pretty, and blessed with amazing hair! I love how your top is like your hair, just flowy and soft! Lovely! I love the open back on the top too!

    Shasie of Live Life in Style

  12. Thanks Joanne, have you packed for your tip to Italy yet? and when will you start your trip? ><

  13. 还别说, 以前一暗恋我的男人居然把我的脸装进了蒙娜丽莎的画像里, 现在想起还晕….哈哈…

  14. 不会了啦, 现在有的时候在国外看国内的街拍, 很多都已经不可小看啦!呵...

  15. 其实好象在我印象中, 我都没吃过波板糖, 呵呵....
    中国达人秀吗? 没有留意哦, 谢谢SUE告知, 我得上网找找看看:)

  16. haha,,,I know you would love that lollipop, cause you sound always like to have sweet things, maybe that’s why you are so sweet:)
    I have the feeling that you and Red Bear are very close too, seems you two can understand each other a lot! lol..

    kisses and love

  17. 我也没正式吃过呢,看到有得卖,下次去买两块,跟YY一齐吃,Hallie也一齐跟RB吃吧,嘻。找到那节目吗?还是蛮可爱的小伙子。

  18. Oh! One last thing, Red Bear is a doll. How nice of the trolley conductor to let him ring the bell! My son would love that, too.

  19. 哇!RB可爱似了!这一身好酷啊!超级喜欢这个凉鞋!其实我是比较偏爱女人味儿的东西,但是也很喜欢特别、有个性的东西,呵呵!

  20. You know,Hallie?I do really adore the way you dress:P Oh,my trip to Italy will start on this Friday, i can´t wait to enjoy the sun the beach and the sea!:P
    we are not harry to pack our luggage,Spain n Italy are quite near:P:P

  21. About Red Bear’s lolipop, it felt down on the floor after his several licks, so waste! 😀 He didn’t care of course:D

  22. Thanks Mie:D yeah, turn out the bag match this outfits perfectly, I think:D

  23. What cities will you go in Italy? couple days ago I watched “The Tourist”, makes me want to go to Venice again! go watch the movie before you come, hehehe…

  24. But Red Bear was shy at the beginning, I had to encourage him for a while…:D

  25. I watched the movie when the movie was on the first run here in Spain.
    We’ll go to the Island name Sardegna,the second island of Italy,then the next stop will be Pisa , Lucca,Florence.
    I have write you an email,pls xxxx:P

  26. Awesome look edgy and fun! I never do baggy on top and on the bottom but you make it look sooo good and easy! Bear looks adorable with the lolly :)))

  27. 哈,很漂亮的上衣

  28. 亲爱的, 我穿的是那种蕾丝的宽宽型的, 所以前面后面看都差不多的,,,,

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