Easy Colors

What do you wear when you go to the grocery store, or go grab a coffee or go to a Vietnamese restaurant for some noodles? Based on some sad experience, I had chocolate milk ruin a nice leather bag, some other juice ruined a silk white blouse..etc..especially with a wild boy like Red bear!  So right now when we go do things like I mentioned above, where there is a chance of spilling or other mess, I wear more machine-washable and not too expensive one.  In another words, those that  are more for everyday casual wear, at home or around town.

                                                       American Apparel Skirt(c/o, similar), Forever21 Tee(similar),

Zara Sandals(another cool style here), Romwe bag(c/o),

Sunglasses from Target, H&M bracelet.

11 thoughts on “Easy Colors

  1. Yeah, I’m sure that when you have little children, it’s better to wear something that you don’t want to lose. Yet, this outfit is so pretty and appropriate for everyday! The color of the skirt is awesome (at first I typed “the skirt of the color” hahah :P) and the patterns on the sweater are adorable! Geometrical period! Oh and the sandals are the cutest thing ever! And the last thing: your hair looks gorgeous, this is probably the most perfect messy bun I’ve ever seen <3 :*

  2. 親愛的,連在家裡或週邊轉轉都那麼時尚可愛!

  3. Cute casual look Hallie. I love those sandals. I just literally came back home from work and opened my package from Zara that had those sandals. Smiled when I saw these on you 🙂

  4. “一个真皮包被巧克力奶浸坏, 一件真丝白衬衣被果汁泼到等”,ME TOO 🙁

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