
How is everyone’s holiday going so far? Thank you all for your best holiday wishes to me and all the nice comments and emails you wrote to me!!
We are having a very enjoyable time during this holiday season, the weather is incredibly beautiful.  But I’m thinking to take Red Bear to a place where there will be snow during next year’s Christmas season, because on Christmas morning, I told Red Bear that he can open his presents now, and he was confused: “It’s not Christmas yet, it has no snow!”

I wish you are still having a enjoyable time right now, to welcome 2012 with a joyful spirit.

And hey, have you joined the Joie Girl Contest in Chictopia yet? Click here and have a look! I am still getting a chill for being a guest judge in this contest, so far I have seen many amazing photos, so why are you still waiting to upload your picture? You could to be the next Joie girl!

I was wearing: Gifted Joie Sweater, J.Crew Denim Shirt(this one is good too), Dolce vita boots, BDG jeans(old, like this one also), 3.1Phillip Lim Clutch, Michael Kors Watch, Ray Ban Sunglasses, YSL ring, Vintage Necklace.

20 thoughts on “En-Joie-able

  1. 好喜歡這組照片!蔚藍的天空,看了心情好舒服愉悅!也難怪RB會說不是聖誕節,因為照片裡的天空就像是炎炎夏日,真羨慕你們那的好天氣。

  2. love the outfit!!! this is so my style! 🙂 I have boots like these that I bought from Pull and Bear inspired from your boots lol

  3. 这辑看着好清新,让我仿佛重遇夏天!难得看你这样的装扮,简单,清新!

  4. I didn’t know about Joie until I saw your “Joie Joy” post the other day. I love their clothing! I also love how you layered the denim blouse with the sweater. Super cute.

  5. 照片中我看到了蓝色,白色,是蓝色的天空,白色的云朵。。好天气真舒服哦。

  6. Look at all that sunshine! Today was full of rain on the east coast, so I’m completely jealous of your good weather. Beautiful colour clutch and I’m very glad to hear that you’re having a wonderful holiday (:

  7. 🙂 I’m so glad you had a nice time! I’m enjoying my Christmas holidays as well, trying to combine studying, going out and fun. Anyway, I love so much this outfit! Your hair looks perfect and the pants look amazing on you. You have the perfect body, Hal! I’m kind of jealous (maybe because I should STOP eating sweets hahah), but whatevs 😛 This pic of Red Bear is so cute! His plaid shirt is adorbs <3

  8. Hi Demy, I am glad you are enjoying the holiday as well! Any plan for the New Year eve yet? 😀

  9. 其实昨晚我还在和我妹妹说,说是羡慕人家好种一大家子人一起过节的, 我们也就三个人,很多时候也都是三个人,所以我妹妹建议赶紧加油, 加人丁,呵呵.

  10. RB那时头发刚被我梳剪,,,没形...呵呵...今天有空的话继续修理...嘿嘿...

  11. 别提了,当时摄影师唠叨了几句,说赶时间啥的...哈哈...被我义正言重的打发了...

  12. lol i’ll take a pic next time XD and I have a chictopia account: arieli97 and I have a few pics there 😉

  13. 对对对,加人丁啦。这个计划明年就实行吧。嘻嘻。

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