Oh yes…we all love superman, but we adore this superboy
呵呵,,,想不到吧, 吃素的宝宝也能长成”婴儿肥”的圆脸:)
LOL!! only kids can get away with that! this is my second time seeing little boys kissing their own mirror reflections! and i used to think only little gals do that
awww he is Super-sweet!love the pictures!and he knows how to pose just like my little sis:)
who doesn’t????? lol:)
AHAHHAHA!! Now tell me with all honesty: doesn’t it make you want to fall off a scyscraper so that Super Bear (Super Man+Red Bear= Super Bear :P) flies to save you? hahhaha! He is really cute! It’s an absolutely successful costume! When I was little, I was Xena lol! I would make an awesome couple with Red Bear fighting off the bad guys
your baby is delicious *_*
hahahahhaha he’s just the cutest thing in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So cute…..RB..loving boy..衣服好可爱呢。RB应该很开心吧。他到处飞吗?哈哈。肯定是大家的小明星啦。最后那张好威风,姿势很帅。象是在说:坏蛋,你是逃不掉的。我是RB小超人。。哈。
This is just TOOO adorable!!! I love it. Superman is my fav superhero!
Shasie of Live Life in Style
Amazing kid, I like his outfit which is that superman. That color combination of outfits makes is fabulous.Thanks!
OH MY GOSH! Little C was Clark Kent/Superman!! Our kids would totally be friends if they met. Red Bear looks adorable, Hallie! So stinkin’ cute.
估计和他妈妈有得拼, 比较自恋, 哈哈!
对啊, 他每次一穿上那套衣服, 就是又想飞又想跳的, 第一次穿的时候他很苦恼的对我说:” 为什么我还是飞不了?” 哈哈,,,,笑死我了, 当时..
Thanks, We love him:D
Oh yes…we all love superman, but we adore this superboy
呵呵,,,想不到吧, 吃素的宝宝也能长成”婴儿肥”的圆脸:)
LOL!! only kids can get away with that! this is my second time seeing little boys kissing their own mirror reflections! and i used to think only little gals do that
awww he is Super-sweet!love the pictures!and he knows how to pose just like my little sis:)
who doesn’t????? lol:)
AHAHHAHA!! Now tell me with all honesty: doesn’t it make you want to fall off a scyscraper so that Super Bear (Super Man+Red Bear= Super Bear :P) flies to save you? hahhaha! He is really cute! It’s an absolutely successful costume!
When I was little, I was Xena lol! I would make an awesome couple with Red Bear fighting off the bad guys 
哈哈哈哈好可愛的照片!!! RB一定是跟媽媽多拍起照很有范呢!! “飛”起來那張很有勁!! 還有擺POSE那張好可愛!! 腰最後帶那張好好笑!!! 全部都可愛都不行
Superman rocks;)
cool…superman,super RB!