Into the Fall: Loeffler Randall Leopard Pumps and Camel Jacket

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I can’t believe it’s almost September, and Summer is almost ended!  In China, we say Fall is the Harvest season — we plant the seed in the Spring, work hard during the Summer, and get the result in Autumn. What have you planted this year? And what to you expect to get in the coming Autumn? Or you are just happy to enjoy seeing the leaves started to turn yellow and red as I do?

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Leopard Pumps: Loeffler Randall(c/o)

Camel Blazer: H&M(old)

Shirt: Paul and Joe Sister (c/o)

Skinny Jeans: Zara(old)

Sunglasses: Karen Walker No.1


13 thoughts on “Into the Fall: Loeffler Randall Leopard Pumps and Camel Jacket

  1. Hi Hallie, summer greetings from Italy! It has been such a long time!

    好久没来你的博客,今天才看到你的近况, 得知你被评上vanity fair best dressed list, 真为你开心! 你的坚持和执着终于结出了甜美的果实,恭喜你!


    Keep up the good work! Ciao bella 🙂

  2. Hi, Hallie! Thank you for inspirations! Your looks are wonderful (I ‘ve checked every single one) and I love them all)
    Could you tell me what camera you use to make your pictures? (My boyfriend asks)
    Keep doing what you do cause you make a great job!
    Regards ; )

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