Farmers Market on Wednesday

Every Wednesday night, we have a farmers market set-up in the Northridge Shopping Mall parking lot. Farmers from all around the area bring their best produce to the farmers market in trucks, and you can buy unusual fruits and vegetables ‘fresh off the farm.”  The thing keeps me wanting to go there is: I always can find some kind of vegetables that most of the Western or local super markets don’t carry, like pumpkin flowers, sweet potato leaves, bell pepper leaves, raw peanuts….I know most of them might sound strange to you, but if you ever lived in Asia, and grew up there, you would know what I mean. I am very used to American food already after living in California for almost four years, but still, those “strange” food remind me of my home, and remind me those “old times.”

For shopping in a farmers market, what outfit could be better than comfortable boots for walking and cut off shorts?  I put the scarf on the bag at the last minute as we left the door, I like the color of the scarf coordinated with the rest of the outfit.


Can you guess what kind of machine it is? (Tip: look at what’s on the ground:))


I was wearing: Thrifted Knit jumpers

Levi’s Shorts

DV by Dolce Vita Boots

H&M bag

Zara Scarf

Sunglasses from Target

Forever21 fringe necklace and rings

Urban Outfitters bracelet




21 thoughts on “Farmers Market on Wednesday

  1. i love farmers markets!! farmers markets, flea markets and weekend markets are always the key events in my itineraries. now, my husband always asks if there is any weekend markets that we need to see first when we go on a hol. LOL!!

  2. 好喜歡妳的羽毛項鍊!很波希米亞~和妳的毛毛包有呼應到喔!

    找個時間去逛逛,挖個寶去> <


  3. like your comfortable market outfit,specially jewelery…
    im a market fan,no matter what kind of market it is;)

  4. 那是爆米花的机器啦, 呵呵..
    我也特别喜欢吃红枣, 我家就种有,特别喜欢吃新鲜的...边我家RB也跟着喜欢吃.

  5. i feel so honored really that you are following my blog!you have AMAZING style and now i see that you are so cute and amazing person too!and i admire you SO much that you have a beautiful son and still remain stylish and beautiful!
    and of course i’m following you on bloglovin!
    see you;)

  6. awww urban cuty girl style! I really love this style of you, so cool and chic!
    you’re like teenager! really, no kidding, beautiful <3 love the necklace so much, ah this one is really inspiring me, very summery 😀


  7. 哈,反正能出去走走的话,Hallie应该是非常开心啦。我可以想象到Hallie在农夫市场雀跃地寻找喜欢的东西呢。哦,应该还会拖着RB一边走一边看吧。小时候会经常跟着奶奶早上去逛市场的,很兴奋的事情,可以买到,看到很多东西,有时还会撞上熟人。觉得象一个PARTY。哈。现在很久没到市场了,反而会觉得脏又臭的,为什么呢?可能以前是新鲜好奇,现在是任务(要到市场买菜,我真没去过买一次呢。家里老人干的)也是一个失败的媳妇咯。

  8. 你可真幸福啦, 家里老人又帮看小孩, 又煮东西吃,,,呵呵...
    中国的一些地方的"菜市"是比较脏乱一点的.这边的农夫市场就是很干净的, 而且绝对没有活鸡活鱼什么的....所以不臭, 呵呵...

  9. 喜欢你的波西米亚风格,自由洒脱!农夫市场是不是很多“淘”的乐趣?

  10. Hi Hal!!! I missed you and Red Bear! Sorry for the long absence but I’m still on holidays and I decided to comment today because I don’t want to find hundreds of new posts when I come back lol! Anyway, this outfit is really pretty. The urban feel is awesome! And omgosh, this gooorgeous necklace takes the whole look to another level 🙂 And it was a good decision to add the scarf, the colors are awesome! 😀
    As for the Farmer’s Market, it sounds really good. In Greece there are many markets like that, but you can’t find so many ‘weird’ things. It sounds awesome!
    Ah, I missed you both SO much! Hopping over to the rest of the posts 🙂

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