A few months ago, I was interviewed by Cris for Chictopia here . I still remember when Cris asked me what are my 5 favorite pieces from the closet, and one of my answers was a white button down shirt. I think I have changed my mind —- a denim shirt should be one of my favorite items right now. Indeed, I have several washed denim shirts in my closet, and I like to use them to do layers or mix and match. It’s so easy to dress up or down, and can be worn in all seasons.
Don’t you like the ruffles on this dress? You can see me wore it as skirt here and here.
This time, Red Bear giving this shirt a name as:”Office man!”. hahaah…..he was right though, but a rocky office man indeed:)
I was wearing : Free People Ruffled Dress/Skirt
Zara Denim Shirt
Dolce Vita Booties(old)
Chanel Insolente lips
Red Bear was wearing: Shirt c/o American Apparel
Zara Pants
H&M Sneakers
Oh Hallie…this look si beyond gorgeous! I love the mix of romantic and cool here and that dress has definitely the WOW-factor! I’m so inspired!
Kisses for both of you!
Oh yeah, I do remember the looks you wore this dress as a skirt (actually only the first one, the second one was before I joined the party lol! And in the first one, I was still in Chictopia. Jeez, I left 4 months ago and it feels like 4 years! -Anyways). It was beautiful as a skirt, but it’s even more beautiful as a dress. The raw ruffles and the nude-ish color make for the perfect dress. You know, if I had this piece, I’d find it extremely difficult to make it more casual, so I really admire your ability to wear ‘difficult’ pieces in daytime! The denim shirt is certainly a staple! Ever since I saw you using them so much and in so many different combinations, I got one myself and thanks to you, it has become an integral piece! And here, it made this dress wearable! Oh and of course I LOVE the bag, this color is gorgeous! The belt is cute too! I love the way you tied it. Can you believe I can’t tie my belts like this?? REALLY! It’s getting annoying. I see the pics and I’m all like ‘yeah, it looks easy, I get it now’, but when I try to tie them, it doesn’t look as beautiful as yours lol! Maybe it’s because of the length of the belt (no, I’m pretty sure it’s because of my incapacity lol)!
<3 haha, I'm all aaah-s and ooooh-s when I see Red Bear's picks, so momma looks at me and she always says 'Are you talking with Hallie again? Let me see Red Bear's picks!' ahahaha! Seriously! She loves this baby <3 And I'm pretty sure that she would be interested in your style as well, but she doesn't really get the whole meaning of fashion blogging, so I quitted explaining hahah! 
OMGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!!!!! Red Bear <3 <3 He is a gentleman! A stylish, rocker chic gentleman! I love so much his outfit! I think it's my number one favorite of his outfits! The belt is adorable and AH! He looks awesome!
Bye bye!
You amaze me every time!Those are killer boots!!The denim shirt is just the thing this outfit needed,the dress looks so chic with it on it!:)And don’t let me start about the bag!;)
i totally agree with u on the denim shirt! i am loving mine too
i *heart* ruffles, but i think i have way too much ruffles in my wardrobe as i just can’t help it
“office man” has never sounded more endearing & cute 
有其母必有其子,RB有淺力有淺力> <
what a beautiful dress
呀, 男孩子还是干点别的吧, 嘻嘻…
看了你的新相册了, 你的宝宝穿上你们大人的衣服吗? 好好玩…
如果你还没有牛仔衬衣的话, 建议你一定要去找一件啊…:)
yes, time flies!!! I still miss you in Chictopia!!!
So you have problem in tied the belt? maybe it’s too soft or too hard, did you try use different belt and I believe there is always have one way fit you:D
Say Thank you to your mom for me, for being inerested in Red Bear, lol…and for having a sweet daughter like you for me:D
uuuuuuuuuuuu i like you,so adjustable ruffled dress ,perfectly match with a jeans :))))))
I love dressing down a fancy dress/skirt/top with denim. Very cute, Hallie! LOVE Red Bear’s outfit. Those white sneakers are way cool. Van // The Clothes We Wear // Wearing motherhood with style.
love the jeans look
Oh I agree with the denim shirt! My problem is that I love man denim shirts, especially my husband’s
And OMG…how cute is Red Bear!!!!
Hi Hal!! I wanted to let you know that tomorrow I’m leaving for vacation and I’ll be back in 3 weeks. I’ll try to comment through my cell, but I can’t promise I’ll have the time for this. Of course, I’ll catch up when I come back!
Take care of yourself and of Red Bear! Kisses to both of you! 
everything looks good on you!
kisses from pepa:X
check out my blog :
hallie,你好!第一次在這裡留言^^ 是從朋友那裏知道了你的博客,從那時開始就會每天上來看看~也感覺hallie人好親切~
還有,Red Bear這麽穿好帥~~哈哈哈!繼續加油!
you are looking amazing!
谢谢亲爱的Shero, 有了你的留言, 今天的我更开心了:)
也很开心你喜欢我的搭配, 希望今后咱们能经常交流:) 祝周末愉快!
Thank you Pepa, your website is lovely too!
Oh, Demy, I am so happy for you! I mean, 3 weeks of vacation!!! Ahhhh,,,I want that!!!!
I wish you have a lot of fun!!!! Tell me more when you come back!
Of course, Me and Red Bear will miss you very much!!!!
对啊, 那天他冒出这个词的时候, 我和老公还奇怪说他从哪来的这些词, 现在他的词汇量比我还多, !!!哈哈,,,
good idea, I am going to explore more in my hubby’s closet again!:D havn’t be done it for long time..lol
Thank you!:)
Daisy好久不见, 我也好想你呢:)...我最近睡眠比前阵子好多了, 也许看上去人精神多了吧:)
他爸只有上庭才穿这种正式的衬衣呢, 一般在办公室也只是普通的POLO恤.RB现在在家里我都不让他穿下装了, 连尿片都没有, 正在训练自己上厕所呢, 哈哈, 成效很大!
Thank you IVA:)
get a denim shirt:) You will love them too:)
If C has sneakers?
YY真能干, 可以自己上厕厕了,佩服佩服.
晕,,,怎么会有这种事情?还有上厕厕被人抱走的?在美国这里还好啦,因为都是马桶式的, 而且都是单间独门的,所以以后遇上这种事情,我肯定是让他和我一起上女厕厕的.他大了的话就另当别说啦.
Amazing girlie, those shoes are fabulous. I love everything about this look!
Shasie of Live Life in Style