Flat Tire and Auto Club | 从一场小意外看美国汽车俱乐部的服务

We were planing on a Forest Dinner on a restaurant which located in a beautiful forest, then we met a accident on our way, we had a flat tire, in a very dangerous place.

Look! This is our car on the rightest side, on bridge!

Bob said, we better get off the car, and walk in a safe place, to avoid any crazy one hit the car. We don’t want to be die together inside the car! For this “LUCK”, I said we better take a picture for the memory.

Bob started calling AAA Auto Club for help while me and Red Bear walking back and forward. I was worry that if anybody still working Saturday night 6pm, but Thanks God, they quickly picked up the phone, and said would treat this as priority call as we are in the dangerous position. Plus, the server truck will be arrive in 10 minutes.

I just kept walking Red bear in my arms, didn’t let him walk alone, I was afraid that he would be too brave(or too dumm) to run into the freeway.

The Server truck did come within 10 minutes, and the server did solve the problem very fast, too bad we didn’t have a chance to take a picture for him.

Too bad we wasn’t can keep our Forest Dinner, we ate in the vegetarian restaurant around our house. But the AAA Auto Club sure leave me a excellent impression.

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