Floating Scarf

How was your weekend, my lovely friends? Did you take some time to call dad, stop by for a visit or send an email card on the Father’s day?

This is what I wore for the Father’s day dinner in a Chinese Vegetarian restaurant with Red Bear and his daddy—-the one who is enjoying the pleasures and shouldering the responsibilities of raising children.

I got this green sweater from H&M on sale for . The summer sale reason is on, but our summer haven’t come yet, weird…

H&M Sweater/Shorts

Burberry Sandals

Chanel Bag

Vintage Scarf

Free People Ring

30 thoughts on “Floating Scarf

  1. 第4張的RB好帥ㄚ~
    一家子幸福洋溢> <


  2. 咦? 原来台湾人把围巾叫领巾的吗?哈哈,,我只知道以前上学的时候戴的那种红领巾,原来围巾也可以叫领巾的哦,学习了^^

  3. Happy Father’s Day!!! Yesterday it was my momma’s birthday, so we had a family dinner both for mom and for dad! 😀 Plus, it’s completely irrelevant, but I’m so happy and I need to tell you that my awesome brother passed his final exams!!!! This is bittersweet for me, because even though I’m happy he did great, he’s going to go live in another city to study 🙁 My cute brother 🙁
    Aaaanyway, that was really irrelevant, sorry! You look gorgeous! This color blocking outfit rocks! And the sweater was only 15$?? WOW!! Talk about best finds! 😀 You really really look stunning! And OMG KILLER SHOES!! They’re killing me, so beautiful! 😀
    Oh and this first picture of Red Bear is SO cuuuuuuuteeee!! <3 <3 He looks awesome! 😀

  4. RB真的好帅哦。穿着也时尚,应该是妈妈的功劳哦。Hallie今天穿的是裤裙吗?我今天也穿了一条,妹妹送的,夏天穿起来很凉快,而且又不怕走光。嘻。绿色好耀眼,就是喜欢看你的“色”,欣赏呢。。祝RB BABA节日快乐哦。

  5. 是阿,通常長條狀可以纏繞在脖子上的,我們都稱圍巾。



  6. 谢谢姐姐的关心。好在我们这里并不潮湿。天气不热所以很舒服的。再过些日子到盛夏,那可就真的热起来了。不过我放暑假,所以在家也晒不着太阳。

  7. it’s scotching hot here and with the high humidity, it’s really unbearable. i envy the lovely weather u have over there. grass is always greener on the other side, isn’t it. hahaha.

    on your outfit… that’s a really refreshing and unusual colour combination 😀 i’ll never think of pairing these 2 colours together. u r truly a fashionista. love those killer heels!!

    RB is super cute in these 2 photos.


  8. 我们也是的啊, 夏天的时候一般就是傍晚的时候去游泳买东西啥的, 白天真的是太热了..

  9. 学习关于围巾和领巾的说法了,谢谢哦:)
    我的腿也是一样,一点点碰撞就会发青发紫的, 呵呵,而且我的还晒不得, 一晒就会发红发痒….


  10. 准确的说是短裤吧, 我觉得裙裤要稍稍再宽些.
    你的”色”弄起来了吗? 还是依旧黑灰白吗? ^^

  11. Wow…you sure sound have a lot of fun there!!!!So sad your brother will live in another city,,,but this is life, you are both growing, and sooner you will have your own family…then you will not only have your cute brother but a cute husband and cute kids….I am waiting for see that Demy:)…I know you will have a very happy life!!!!:D

  12. 嘻。努力改变中,要找到自己的风格真的有点难度。慢慢来。加油。

  13. 我们这边还不知道,最近女儿期末考试我们都没有去郑州逛街。

  14. 对哦,我记得一月份和六月份是考试月份的,不过很快也放暑假了吧, 有啥安排没?

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