I always think the thrift store is one of the good places to find unique and vintage items, like these floral pants. Matched it with my old Giorgio Armani sunglasses and a silk blouse, to create a late 60’s look.
It’s so interesting I just got an email from one of my readers,Marilyn, said she used to work at one of my favorite breakfast restaurant, and she want to know if I am really the one with the cute baby there…hahaha…. how fun it is to be well known? Let’s have breakfast together one day, my dear Marilyn, and thank you for sending me email and say “Hi” to me and loving my style and my Red Bear
Thrift floral Pants
Silk blouse(old)
Zara Trench and Heels
Louis Vuitton Bag
D&G Watch and Forever21 ring
亲爱的,你有空也上传你的搭配相片吧, 嘻嘻….要不你买的古董衣都没人看得到!:)
好啊,明天穿出門就多拍幾張給妳看> <
your baby is adorable *-*
Wow…those pants are gorgeous and you have the cutest son!:x
A very nice outfits,you remind me that film call¨Malena¨that itlatian lady with dark hair .:P
wow the pants are gorgeosss!!! and well Red Bear is as cute as ever!!!:)
always*** lol
Yes, yes indeed you do look like Malena! The girl above is right! These pictures are really gorgeous actually! They have this vintage feeling, even the ones of Red Bear. It’s like I’m seeing scenes from ‘The Notebook’! And omgosh, how crazy are these pants? WOW! A good piece is always a good piece. Look at it! Beautiful! I totally adore this puuuuuurfect bag as well, and the shoes are cute too! But if I want to be honest, the scene stealer of this post is Red Bear’s hat ahhaha! He is the cutest! Of course your Red Bear is adorable! And I’m pretty sure that it’s awesome to be recognised! I don’t know what I’d do if I saw you walking by me haha! I’d probably would be too shy to talk. Nah, that was a total lie. I’d probably shout “AAAAA” from across the street, scaring every human being and run towards you lol. I think people there are too silent. Last year I went to Vienna and Venice with friends and I felt sooo noisy. Really! We were eating at a restaurant and everybody was looking at us with annoying looks until we realised that we were the only ones we made some noise haha. I digress. You look gorgeous! Your hair is so amazing! I wish mine was that long, but Im trying to let them grow and I only trim them a bit once a month. I hope it’ll grow soon
Btw, I left a comment on the last post as well, telling you I apologise for the absense (and that I totally agree with you about Missoni for Target), but I’m not sure it was left… Anyway, I’ll probably be kind of absent these days (or months) because the last year of high school is kiiiilling me.
Kisses to the cutest Red Bear <3 and to you, of course!
谢谢你和SUE的关心, 我们一切安好:)
Ah,,,really ? Malena is gorgeous!, and I am not! hehehe…Thank you for all your sweet comment though…About being the noisiest one in the restaurant, right now it almost happen to our family all the time, because of Red Bear, sometimes, he use the forks and table as drum, sometimes, he just sing as loud as he can. thank you for most of the people that didn’t mind that, but this situation sometimes really embarrassed us. I don’t know if all the kids just like that, or we are lucky enough to have the most noisy one:(
I have seen many bloggers start wearing Missoni for Target now, and they all look amazing! maybe I should get some too? hahaha…
take care..
SUE不用担心的哦!!! 我们一切安好, 不过真的很感谢你的关心 ! XX
Thank you Ariel!:D
Thank you Ariel, you are so sweet:)
群众的眼光和评论真的是让我对这身搭配有了更深的认识. 呵呵!
我和YY的妈, YY和我的儿子, 现在和以后都是好朋友哦! !!!
Ah,,,Malena!!! she is gorgeous! I am not!!! hahaah…
其实这件紫色丝质上衣一直是我的最爱, 穿了不少次呢! 就是特别喜欢这颜色…
amazing glasses and lovely pants!!!! <3<3
great blog, come to see mine? ^^
Oh,pls stop to say that,Hallie! You are a gorgeous lady!!! We’re who can judge you,hahaha:D
hahaha,,,Thank you Joanne, your guys just too SWEET!! :D, and I love you!
I’ve missed reading your blog, while away, Hallie! Those pants are incredible! Bold and glamorous.
miss you too!!!! XX
I am glad you are back!