Flower and Bow

I would never consider myself as a very “girly” type, but I was so attracted by this dress when I first time saw it online.  Flower and bow, my heart was melting… After receiving  a lot of compliments when I wore it, I think maybe the “girly” style sometimes does work well on me, what do you think?

                                                 River Island Dress, Zara Shoes and Bag,Michael Kors Watch,

Bracelet(left arm from left to right): gifted Guess,  RocksPaperMetal(c/o), and ASOS,

Lovebeadsworld bracelet( right arm, c/o), Nails: Essie Ladylike

23 thoughts on “Flower and Bow

  1. Hi!! When it comes to you, there are no different styles. You can look perfect in every single thing no matter if it’s girly or rocker chic or anything 🙂 I really like this dress, though! It looks so cute and it has an interesting shape, especially on the back! 😀 Also, I can’t see it very well, but is this a matching blazer? It looks gorgeous <3 Many many kisses, hope you had an amazing weekend! 😀

  2. 本来就很少女啊,是以前扮成熟了吧?呵呵,想看下手上那件花外套和花裙子一起穿的效果呢

  3. 呵呵,虽然有蝴蝶结的装饰,可整体来看,还是成熟风范的的人穿上更合适。所以,很适合姐姐你。

  4. 裙子好漂亮,无论在图案,颜色,款式,都好漂亮,也很适合Hallie呢。。

  5. This dress is made for you dear! You’re so beautiful and ladylike! Love the bow in the back and how refined and whimsical it is! 🙂 Great choice!

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