Flower Wall

I have to say that again, the weather really suck these days!!! Cloudy, gloomy, and sad…Am I complain too much? heheh….

Need the flower wall to brighten the day. 😀

H&M Blouse/Hat

Riley Jeans

Jeffrey Campbell Wedges

Bally Bag

16 thoughts on “Flower Wall

  1. 好喜欢那花墙,好喜欢那牛仔配花上衣,帽子,包包,还有那鞋子,好象都说过了,全都喜欢,哦,漏了,还有Hallie和RB。呵。。偶尔有这样的天气也不错,应该是让人平静与沉淀一下的时候,还可以望着乌云与阴天思考着什么。反正就是好好呆在一角来想事情。是我的想法而已。嘻。

  2. 喜欢这身装扮,很利索的感觉,尤其是第一张照片,表情很俏皮!呵呵!

  3. A I know what you mean. When the weather is bad, I’m acting like a complete idiot. But thankfully the weather is awesome here 😀
    On another note, I really love the outfit! It’s an amazing everyday look! And the jeans, omgosh, love at first sight! Love everything about them, the knee details are AMAZING and I just adore that they’re ripped on the thigh 🙂 And of course, I like the colors of the shirt, bag and shoes. Everything’s adorable and to be honest, it makes me calm! I don’t know why, but it does! 😀 hahahah! Stunning like always 🙂
    And Red Bear <3 hahaha, he flies his plane! 😀
    xoxo! 😀

  4. The good news is, they say it will start to warm up from tomorrow, so we will see:)

    How was your beach trip? I bet it must be fun !!! plus, no exam burden….must feeling good!!:D

  5. 我也觉得是三角梅, 可是我在广东的读者说在她们那叫樱花, 呵呵…不管是什么花, 总之在我们这里很常见, 也很易长…

  6. 复古 是比较复古 , 呵呵,,,,性感不敢说…
    JIE最近在忙什么? 公事和私事都进展顺利吗?:)

  7. 这阵子在帮我一个法国客人在我工作的工厂外采购东西,嘘!不能让BOSS知道,呵呵。其他的都很好,谢谢你还想着我,可我一忙起来就有些忘东忘西了,应该每天来跟你SAY HELLO的。真的抱歉呀。

  8. 原来JIE朋友是做外贸的,真想多了解一下,向你和Hallie多学习一下外语,真想向这方面发展一下,可是语言环境没有,自己的信心也不够。请指教。。。

  9. 呵呵, 抱歉什么呀, 大家都这么熟了, 你们忙得带劲, 我也替你们开心….^^

  10. Sue,你好呀!总是在这里能看见你,可是一直没有打过招呼,今天算是认识了。很高兴能认识你。

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