Free Lunch

While surfing the Internet, have you ever received some “pop up window that said you have won something? I have recently, like a “free 0 Wal-Mart gift card”, free laptop, etc… I always ignore them.

Yesterday, my hubby sent me an email and said he wanted to surprise me by entering me in something from google to win an Ipad, so I got a text message in my phone with the PIN number and a website information inside.

“Are you sure it’s not a scam?” I asked my husband on the phone, and forwarded the text I received to him.   And I said: “If you want to enter, do it from your office computer, not from my computer.  I don’t want any virus!!!”  (I was bad, I know…lol)

So here is the email I got from my husband at the end:

“You were right, it is a scam, and I cancelled it!!!! I found some very small text on the screen, and it says that to qualify you have to TEXT to them, and you will be charged $9.99 every time you send the text.  And it would “renew” every day!

I suppose many people will be seriously cheated before they realize it!

I had to “zoom in” to read the text, it was so small!  But when I see very small text, I become automatically suspicious.”

So, here is today’s lesson for my dear friends: Be careful with everything offering a “free lunch.”

That’s a Green Bag I normally carry to the park or go buy food with Red Bear 🙂

Zara Green Skinny Jeans/Pumps/Leopard Print Scarf

American Apparel Sheer Shirt

Asos Sunglasses

19 thoughts on “Free Lunch

  1. Hi hi! 😀 You look so pretty in these pics again! 🙂 You look like a model! I mean, you always look like a model, but your poses here are so freaking gorgeous! The sunnies and the scarf are soooo to die for! 😀 And this shirt, omg, it’s really fabulous, it’s seems to be made by a very soft and beautiful fabric, no? Perfection once again 😀

    And about these ‘free lunch’ offers across the Internet, seriously you cannot trust anyone. Everything’s scam. My mom had once text messaged a company like that (what was she thinking??!!) and everytime she sent a message (every single time!), she was charged! So eventually she changed her number.. So yess, we need to be REALLY careful.. Lesson learned 😀

    Good day to you, good night to me! 😀 (Don’t you think I didn’t notice the Red Bear-less pics :P)

  2. haha,,,really? you did notice Red Bear-less pics? hahah….He is not my accessories, you know…:D in fact, he got two new toys from his daddy that time, so he was busy in researching the new toys…

    Sorry to hear your mom’s thing, but as what you said…lesson learned, we just hope no more people be cheat!
    Sweet dream to you…and me and Red Bear hope to see you in your dream:D

  3. Scam in the internet,hehehe,your hubby is very cute.:P
    I love this outfit,especially the sheer shirt,LOVE it!@@@@@
    Good night ,Hallie!

  4. 漂亮的绿色配裸色!Blond那里来的灵感吧?嘻嘻。 我看他的绿色西装配这件裸色的衬衫也觉得挺好看的, 但是我更喜欢你的这套绿配裸的搭配!

  5. 衣服和玫瑰花融合在一起,上衣就象花朵,绿色裤子就象叶子。美。。你说的诈骗信息我近来收到好多了,发到手机上,说参加节目中了现金和手提电脑,还要登录网站输信息,网站打开后真的好真实,但抱着怀疑输了以后还是没提交,幸好没中陷阱,还是便宜莫贪为妙。

  6. 说到这些陷阱,我都懒得点开,即便放在那很碍眼,但即使点关闭,它还是打开网页,且打开后,原来那个框框还在,所以最好的办法就是无视。这些骗子的想法就是,逮一个骗一个,因为还是有部分人糊涂的。

  7. heheh…that’s what I always told him, “you are as cute as Red Bear.” hahah…

    Good night my dear, hope you have a very sweet dream now:D

  8. 这是在我家附近的邻居家拍的呢, 刚好我也发现这些花长得和我衬衣的颜色好衬, 所以就选在那里拍照了:)

    对于那些信息, SUE以后真的要小心小心再小心哦!

  9. 国内的骗人把戏一般都很容易看穿, 国外的就神奇了, 弄得比真的还真,,服气啦, 哈哈…搞得我有好几次都头脑发热, 连我老公这种老谋深算的都被算了半截….

  10. 对对对, 国内的那些是明明点了关闭, 却还是打开了网页, 刚开始我还以为是我自己点得不对, 后来发现了, 不管点哪里, 只要是碰了, 都会打开网页的…

    确实是骗子是骗到一个算一个, 比如我的雅虎信箱几乎每个月都收到中奖信息, 其实想想哪有那么好的事情, 注册了一个邮箱被抽中中了电脑等大奖…哈哈…

  11. 现在买东西都要discount code 啦 , 呵呵….所以我当时买的时候是打了八折..

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