Fur Deerstalker | "雷锋"帽

We have rain for about a week so far, and never stop. The traffic is getting more crazy with the rain + holiday. I was busy in cleaning around the house today, and didn’t have a chance to take some pictures, so here are pictures I took weeks ago.

For the fur deerstalker, I really wish we could have snow + cold weather here. (oh, no?!). And I am really not brave enough, there are so many fashionists wearing this kind of fur deerstalker match short sleeve T shirt, and I like the way they look. 🙂

(River Island Fur Deerstalker/H&M Sweater/Zara Fake Fur Vest/Cargo Pants from Target/Asos Bag/

Coconut  lace up Booties/YSL ring (left hand)/Ring (right hand) from Target)

12 thoughts on “Fur Deerstalker | "雷锋"帽

  1. 又一次证明了HALLIE带啥帽子都好看, 连雷锋帽都戴得那么好看,还有啥帽不能戴咧?呵呵。。。

  2. 嗯嗯,天气热点的时候再说啊,呵呵....不过其实我也挺想试试的.反正在这边穿什么没人觉得怪...^^

  3. 如果我们去冷的地方,一定给他买,现在这种天气买给他,他肯定不戴,,,呵呵

  4. 这身和背景好和谐啊~~~特别是颜色,呵呵

  5. 男人都这样想啊。。。LG问我买这个有啥用,我说凹造型用的。他问啥叫凹造型,我说人家带镜框没镜片的就叫凹造型。他老人家说,那咱不凹了吧。。。

  6. 哈哈, 今天我也是, 今天又戴着那眼镜出门照相的时候, 又挨看到我老公不解的眼光, 还直接说了, 不喜欢这眼镜, 我才不管呢, 呵呵, 有时候男人的见解, 我是一只耳朵进一只耳朵出….这不人家都说了吧, the wife always right.

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