Garden Platter

These pictures were taken few weeks ago, when we were having dinner with a mayor friend.  For a casual business dinner, instead of wearing a dress or skirt, I choose a tailored blazer and a casual trousers, mixed a flowered shirt and a purple silk shirt for a heavy yet feminine color look.

What would you wear for such an occasion?

I was wearing: Zara blazer(old) and flower Shirt, J.Crew Blouse, Kimchi Blue Trouser, Michael Kors Clutch(similar style here), Karen Walker Sunglasses, Dolce Vita Pumps(old, like this one)

16 thoughts on “Garden Platter

  1. 哇,親愛的好燦爛哪!照片上的妳有如盛開的花朵艷麗奪目,好吸睛啊!

  2. wowowowww love the coloursssss and the trousers are gorgeous! my mom has a pair quite similar but in nude and without this bow that I borrow (without her knowing lol[evil laughter]) and I think I would wear it with a white botton down a statement necklace 🙂

  3. a white botton down and a statement necklace, sounds so elegant!:D I think I will like it..
    BTW, it seems your mom is a very stylish mom …say hi to her!:D

  4. Ah, how do you manage to look like this every time? WOW! I love so much the 2 blouses, esp the floral one! And omgosh these pants are awesome! And the shoes? Well…the shoes <3! The whole look is perfect for this occasion. I don't know what I'd wear but I'd probably go for my classic choise: a tailored dress and out of the door 😛 But you? No. We're talking about TALENT here!You're a WOW worthy person! 😀
    And this picture of Red Bear stole my heart <3 He is so handsome! I honestly adore him and his pretty smile!
    Many kisses! 😀

  5. 很有层次感。花花上衣是很有女人味。还有芥末黄的裤子,搭配起来是很适合商务聚餐的呢。

  6. I just love these paper bag style trousers. You have such great style and even better, you’re a mom! I’m glad to meet other fashion girls who are mothers. Hope you have a great day! <3


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