A big thank you to Erica for this lovely feature on!  (And please go check out the other bloggers they’ve featured in the same post, they are all amazing!?

At the same time I think you should go check out Erica’s blog:, it’s awesome, you wouldn’t regret to read it!

5 thoughts on “

  1. AWWWWWW!!! Hallie you’re so amazing! Congrats for this wonderful feature! 🙂 You so so so deserve it! You’re really amazing! You deserve much attention and I hope that in the future you’ll become even more famous, because you deserve it! I LOVE this blog! I really really love it!

  2. 去看了Erica的网站,真的很棒!喜欢那些同件衣服的N多种搭配!

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