Although I am crazy about heels, once a while I like to have my feet really touch the ground when we go out:), especially if we take time playing in the park.
Bob made Red Bear a toy American Indian spear [actually, he just used his knife to sharpen the end of a little tree branch that our recent wind blew to the ground] when we were having some fun in the park. Well, Red Bear really has 1/16 American Indian blood, and our boy really went crazy with his spear, running around, yelling “war whoops,” and generally terrorizing the trees, grass, and sky! Maybe he likes to watch old Western movies too much on Saturday mornings, and he was acting them out!
I was wearing: Theory Sweater, Riley Jeans(old, like this one too), Joie boots(old), Botkier Bag(old, similar style here), Rag and Bone Hat, Ray Ban Sunglasses, Vintage Necklace from a friend.
Gorgeous pics, I like the “effect” of background.
I love these pictures!Gorgeous sweater!
You look great! Love the effortless look!
Cute story! I like how from the back the sweater looks quite normal, but from the front there’s such an interesting design. Have a good rest of the week!
好美的毛衣! 好美的头发!有点文艺,又有点随性。。。看得我都语无伦次了。。。呵呵
穿平底鞋身材比例也很好哇, 那个木箭枪看着RB玩有点危险哦
我的微博不懂干吗评论不了, 现在没挡屏幕了, 但是全屏的话图片又有点变形哦
Casual Hallie…me likeyyyy!!!
wow you just look so.. cool! lol and u know I like it when u wear flats cause that gives me more ideas cause all I wear is flats
and this is sooo inspiring and i guess that 4 u as someone who always wear heals it’s nice for a change to actually walk on the ground haha and sounds like RB’s having fun ! have a nice week Hallie xoxo 
you do have a indian look with this outfit! very lovely! especially love your sweater and boots. that is so boho!
An Online Wardrobe for worldwide Fashion Lovers
I love your shoes with that bag! So simple + chic!
Hehe fuuny little man!I love this outfit,so casual and chic!The hat gave it a twist,love it!
I love the rugged and casual vibe of your boots and sweater. Your style always inspires me! Your son is the cutest, does he like shopping?
Aww yeah! You both do look like Indians hahah! I love sooooo much this outfit, I can’t even explain how much. It’s just so simple that it’s perfect. There’s nothing missing, nothing too much. Just perfect. Your sweater made my heart skip a beat and omgooooood I’m in desperate love with your bag and boots! You’re so awesome, really. I’m still waiting to see your wardrobe haha
Red Bear is so cute! I’ve kind of missed him in the last posts
He is the best child evaaa! And he likes western movies? Jesus, I remember that my brother always, ALWAYS watched western cartoons and movies and I always wanted to watch Barbie lol, but he’d never leave me watch it
I was a crybaby back then, and he was a real teaser. I don’t know how we ended up so close.. You should make a sis for your bear, he’d love it 
在鞋子后贴块胶吧, 我的很多鞋子都会有贴, 就是怕掉….我有穿着上街, 但是是那种不用走很长路的那种, 走得久了, 我也会有干脆把鞋子拎在走上, 光着脚走的时候, 哈哈…