Happy Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday, with all the love around me—-my dear husband and my lovely son, whatever we did, we had fun and we are happy.

Today I got an email from one of my Chinese readers, saying she is having very serious melancholia.  Her name is XM, and she is still a high school student.  She told her doctor that she doesn’t remember ever being happy for a couple of years,  she doubts if she want to keep herself alive…  Well, my dear young friend, I have to thank you for you writing to me and I am happy that my blog brings you some happiness.  I wish I could know you more and I could do better to make you happy….

Last night, I told my husband that my final birthday wish is to spank Red Bear really hard since he was behaving really bad yesterday on my Birthday. You know, right now, I wish my Birthday wish can be expanded a little bit—-I want you to be Happy! and Happy everyday!

Since my last birthday wish didn’t come true—-to spank Red Bear really hard…So can you please make my expanded Birthday wish come true? Please? 🙂

Life Quotes, Life Quote Graphics, Life Sayings

I was wearing: Camilla & Marc Dress(c/o), ASOS faux fur coat(old, similar style here), H&M legging(old), Theysken’s Theory Wedges, Target Wallet, Necklace and star rings and cuff (c/o  Luv Aj), NOir Bracelet, Ray Ban Sunglasses

33 thoughts on “Happy Birthday

  1. 親愛的,生日快樂!這天好漂亮好性感!美背很吸引人呢!皮草和洋裝我都很喜歡。說起皮草,我終於去逛ZARA了!其中就買了2件皮草,現在正躺在我的寶貝衣櫥裡呢,好開心!很快就會穿出來亮相亮相的!


    就如妳說的3大元素:1. 找些事情去做, 2. 找些事情去愛, 3.充满希望

  2. ~Happy Birthday~要一起做永遠的辣媽!

  3. Happy Birthday,Hallie!I wish you all the love in the world,health and happiness!
    I’m so sad now when I read about your reader!I hope she’s reading my comment cause I want her to know that we’ve all been there and understand here!She has to be strong,surround herself with positive thoughts and everything will come to place.She’s in my prayers!

  4. Don’t you just January for your B’day. Mine was on the 7th. Love that date. But sadly all I did that day was cleaning. Hope you really enjoyed yours.

  5. 亲爱的,生日快乐!祝愿你永远健康、幸福!

  6. Happy belated birthday, Hallie! I like the pop of colour in your outfit with your neon clutch. It sounds like you had a lovely time even if your last birthday wish didn’t come true, haha. I hope that your expanded birthday wish comes true (it’s a great wish!) and that your reader XM ends up with the best happiness this year xx

  7. wow happy belated birthday for you!! hoping you & your family a wonderful year ahead, to live in abundance of happiness and blessings… ♥

    love the outfit so much!! how you pair the dress & legging, it’s so remarkable!
    so elegant & stylish, as always

    xoxo, Izzaura

  8. Happy Birthday Hallie!!! I wish you all the best in the world because you desirve it…you are a beautiful person, inside and out.
    And for your reader…life worths living ! Sometimes it sucks, sometimes we’re unhappy, but those are the things that makes us stronger, and makes us appreciate more the beautiful, simple things in life that matter.

  9. 祝姐姐生日快乐,身体健康,永远幸福!也希望小米同学早日走出阴霾,活着就会有希望,千万不要放弃生命!

  10. Happy belated birthday Hallie! I am so sorry to hear about XM. I had similar problems when I was a teenager and have learned that happiness can’t come from the outside, from any pills or self-help books. It comes from accepting yourself and learning to love who you are, flaws and all. It’s so easy to think that because you are depressed, there’s something wrong with you, – that’s what society seems to tell us – but sometimes, that’s just how it is. XM, I truly hope you make it through this tough time and find that life is definitely worth the struggle.

  11. Happy Birthday to Hallie…

  12. 生日快乐~~~“我的青春小鸟一去不回来~~”过生日唱这个歌我太坏了~~~哈~~~RB越来越像个小伙子啦~~今天的小黑裙真性感~~~

  13. 2day it was my friends bday!!! well anyways, happy birthday!!!! and ur outfit is amazinggggg the dress is so beautiful!!! and so is the clutch!!!! what did you u get 4 ur bday?? 🙂 xoxoxo

  14. Happy belated birthday mrs.Hallie 😀 I wish you more bless, more fortune, happy never ending with your family! wishes all the best for you, my stylish friend 😀
    wow Im so in love with your dress, so cute!! love the coat so much, I always wanted coat like that but since my country is tropical country, that might be impossible to wear coat like that! 🙁
    and yes you’re trully make ppl happy by seeing your blog and got feedback from how nice you are 🙂

    lotts love

  15. 哎呦,来迟鸟~~~ 最近实在太忙,赶紧上来道声生日快乐。

  16. Hallie!!!! I’m so SO sorry I was absent on your birthday 🙁 This week was crazy busy and now I’m so sad I wasn’t here to wish you. 🙁 But I’ll adopt the “better late than ever” theory and I’m wishing you now a veeery happy birthday. I wish you’ll always, ALWAYS and forever, be happy and loved by the people you’re surrounded. I wish you’ll have a life full of happiness and that every dream of yours will come true sooner or later! 🙂
    I’m sorry for your reader. I hope she’s reading because 1) I’m sure she smiled when she saw you mentioned her and 2) I wanted to tell her that she’s not alone. Life has ups and downs and our worth comes out of the way we tackle problems. So I say stand up, smile and enjoy life, because it’s too small to spend it being sad and hopeless. Just this.
    And now the look! Oh.my.God! You look like a movie star! Jesus, you need a red carpet under your stylish shoes, seriously! I love every little detail and I thank you for the inspiration, it means a lot for your readers that you put so much effort in your blog 🙂
    Again: Happy (very) belated Birthday Hallie <3 And many kisses to your naughty little frog <3

  17. Hi dear Hallie! Congrats on your birthday! You were beautiful!
    I hope you had a memorable day. I’m sorry if I came only now!
    I love it when your child appears in the posts, you get inspire me for wanting to
    put pictures of my children!

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