Happy Easter

Sorry for the egg-less pictures, not because we didn’t bring the camera, but we didn’t put a charged battery inside the camera. So after Red Bear’s Dad drove back home and returned, all the egg hunt was finished.  But we are planning to go another place for egg hunt again tomorrow, so keep up with me! 😀

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Red Bear wasn’t looking great after the 24 hour flu.

?????????, RB???????.

A butterfly candy found in one of the Egg.


The ” Mommy up, Mommy up” moment

“????, ????”???

I heard one of the girl there said to her friend:” look at her headband, it’s so pretty!”

?????????????????:”?????, ???!”

Forever21 Jumpsuits

H&M Blazer/sunglasses

Aldo Heels

Zara Headband

24 thoughts on “Happy Easter

  1. It’s so nice to see that Red Bear is ok again 🙂 He looks great 😀 And I have to say that I LOVE HIS BELLY!!!!!! haahha! Seriously! Babies’ bellies are awesome to squeeze! 😀

    So anyways, this girl was kinda weird.. I mean, JESUS.. She only commented on the headband? Tsk.. And what about the rest of the beauty?? This jumpsuit is dreamy! Amazing color, fit, pattern, everything! And the blazer and the shoes and everything is sooo…no-words-to-describe-it! wow! You.are.goooooorgeous!!! Like an angel 🙂 🙂

    Have an amazing day! Here is Sunday morning, there is till Saturday.. so ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY!!! Happy Easter to you and your family! I wish you all the best 🙂

  2. Hii, i found your blog on one of your photos with amazing trousers on chictopia, so glad i did i love it! This playsuit is gorgeous and goes so well with those amazing heels! You look so incredibly chic and sophisticated 🙂

    Im a follower now 🙂 Hope you have time to look at my blog too… http://ruparee.blogspot.com/

    Ruparee X

  3. 好喜欢Hallie每次的装扮 都有一个亮点 简简单单的一个头饰就把整套衣服点亮了~~

  4. 刚刚的留言不显示?!汗, 再来一遍吧!
    连体裤赞!头饰赞!鞋子赞!不过话说你现在是好厉害呀, 不管去哪儿你都可以穿着恨天高, 佩服呀!我现在就不行了, 出门玩我就一定要穿平底了, 没本事了, 嘻嘻。

  5. 很漂亮,简单搭配就能出很好效果来,Hallie很厉害哦。看来RB还要调养一段时间,不过小孩的恢复能力强,很快就看到活泼可爱的RB在我们面前跳着笑着了。小孩不舒服就要赖着妈妈。来,阿姨也可以抱抱你哦。也别让妈妈累着的。

  6. 可怜的RB!肠胃不舒服很乏力的。

  7. 可怜的RB都瘦了一圈, 前两天他喊饿, 又不能给他东西吃, 好痛苦的…现在好了, 慢慢开始喂他一些…看着应该吸收了:D

  8. RB说” 谢谢阿姨”! 还别说, RB这两天轻了一些, 抱起来也轻松了些, 呵呵…

  9. 晕, 你怎么老说打了的留言又不显示的? 不知道怎么回事?
    我的恨天高都是照相的时候穿的嘛, 需要走路多的话, 我就换车上的平底鞋喽:D

  10. Oh,,,Red Bear’s belly is much smaller now because of the 24 hour flu, are you sure you still love his belly? heheh….just kidding. I love to blow his belly button, and that drive him crazy and makes him laugh so hard:D

    I am not an Angel, you are a Angel, a sweet and cute one.:D

    I can’t wait to hear about your Easter weekend? how was it?

  11. Happy Easter!!!Feliz Pascua!!!
    CHIC!!! I’ll never tired to say that you are really pretty,Hallie!
    Love all pieces of you outfits,the mono(jumpsuits) with printed bamboo form is so original,and I love the heels,looks so sexy and chic!
    I like to hear RB say”mummy up ,mummy up”LOL 😀

  12. 就是,小孩一生病,最明显就是体重啦,衣服都松松的。RB好了以后多吃点。这一阵子热了,吹空调又怕着凉,所以我都要注意YY了。

  13. hahahhaha!! I’ll always love his belly lol! I know what you mean! I do this to my baby cousin and he can’t stop laughing!! 😀 😀

    Well, my Easter was you know… three things: family,food, fun (three Fs!) You remember how I was when I posted in Chictopia? Now after this weekend I feel like I’m the double of my old self! 😀 😀

  14. family, food, fun, !! wow…what else could you ask for more? those are the most important things in our life, aren’t they?
    About the double of your oldself issue,, after a whole week hard study, I bet you must have a good shape now:D

  15. 嗯嗯,就是,所以我们现在就是开始拼命喂RB吃东西.养胖他.呵呵.

  16. Teach me more Spanish:D maybe I need to learn harder.
    I told my husband: I feel I can’t hold Red Bear anymore, he is so heavy now! 😀

  17. jajaja,I sure you hubby can teach you spanish,better than me.:D and you have a lot of neighbers ,you can practice with them in the park,:p
    I remember you said you have strong arms ,i think that beacause of carry RB everyday,it such like doing exercise.That’s helpful for health!(两全其美)

  18. I am going to write something about the Spanish today, you will see…haha…
    and about the strong arms, better be strong than the butterfly arms for sure:D

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