Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms and your mom!

I consider this picture drew by Red Bear is his gift to me today:) the tallest one is me, I wear maxi dress and carry a bag,  daddy and baby in each side, Red Bear told me.

My breakfast in bed:), Bob brought it in from the restaurant of course:)

Happy mother’s Day to my mom and my grandmom, they are all in different world now, I wish they are happy there!

The first moment I become a mom, the happiest moment, and will be happy forever.

30 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day

  1. Oh my god! This last picture left me speechless… It’s so.. I don’t know. It’s a miracle, being a momma is the most beautiful thing. I mean, I know I don’t want to have children, but I respect so much mothers. They are the most precious people. All of them, because they are the ones who can advise us, and show us the right way. Ah! I love moms! 🙂 And I’m so happy about you, because you are happy and I know that Red Bear is gonna be a great child as he grows up. He has amazing parents 🙂
    And omgosh WOW! They DID bring you breakfast in bed! SO cute! You have two awesome men in your life 🙂
    Happy Mother’s Day! I wish you ALL the best!

  2. I didn’t want to have children either when I was in your age, but things changed:) and I am happy with the motherhood. I wish our friendship can keep till the day you show me your own child:D

  3. oh..beautiful!
    and hahah…red bear sure does have some talent ;D
    hope you had a wonderful mothers day:)

  4. 好感动的时刻哦。可惜我MISS了。因为麻醉。不过我懂得。妈妈们都会懂得。。相信你妈妈奶奶在那远方都会快乐的。母亲节快乐。我没收到什么礼物呢。不过一家人一齐开心就好。。

  5. 这组照片很珍贵啊!感动ing…,看到你生产后幸福的笑容!

  6. 每个照片都是那么的让人感动。所以说每个母亲都是个伟大而坚强的女人。

  7. 以后Hallie可以告诉RB他是怎样来到这个世界的,妈妈可吃了不少苦呢!希望妈妈们都健康快乐!

  8. Thanks Ria, my mom passed away several years ago,,I miss her…but I know she is with me all the time:D

  9. 其实当时很辛苦的,看了一眼后我就跟老公说,抱走抱走,我要睡觉了,哈哈!

  10. 我当时也用麻醉剂的,但是到最后的时候医生就说不得用了,怕我用劲用不对地方,所以后面的时候是比较痛苦的...现在想想,居然不记得怎么痛了,哈哈.

  11. 哈哈!我生女儿的时候也是这样,只看了一眼,怎么像个小怪物?死活不承认是我生的。

  12. 哈哈,对啊,就是这感觉,我记得我当时还说了句,他怎么这么丑?哈哈.

  13. Hi Hallie! What a pleasure to enjoy a huge job so beautiful.
    Your blog is fantastic! From now on always come here! I already followed in other communities! I must admit that his style is inspiring and very authentic!
    Like you, I try to deploy as a mother, a homemaker, wife, woman, in my professional work in 24 hours. Not easy!
    At the blogosphere we live in is very nice to share what we like and be part of this incredible interaction.
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    I hope your mothers day was very special and unforgettable!
    Big kiss and a hug! ~.~
    Flávia Cruz from Brazil

  14. Oh, Flavia, that’s such nice things you say to me! That make my day! :))
    I visited your blog, you have such amazing style! I like it so much! :))
    Be happy, keep inspiriting!

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