Happy Red

Yes, Bob is coming back home tonight, with a lot of good news! So I wear Red today, feeling happy inside and outside:)


Zara red Blazer

Zara red Bag

River Island leather pants

Vintage Scarf

Zara Black Tee

Charlie David Pumps

23 thoughts on “Happy Red

  1. 什么好消息呢?让你这么开心,今天穿得像过年一样!

  2. 话说BOB不是说要去一个月的? 这么快回来看来真是异常顺利哦, 替你们高兴呢…

  3. 喜欢这身打扮哦!我这两天要过生日,也很开心哦。姐姐猜猜我今年多大。哈哈哈…..

  4. 好消息要跟大家一同分享哦!Bob回来我们也高兴,又可以看Hallie大量的美图乐。HOHO~~~

  5. 喜庆哦.这红色长外套好漂亮哦.红黑就是最好的搭配吧.时尚又干练的感觉….

  6. 换了版面了,还真有点不习惯了。觉得以前的版面能一目了然。这身红色很正,我今天逛街的时候也看中了一件红色休闲款西服,正犹豫要不要买呢。

  7. Wow did you change your blog layout??? I wasn’t sure if I was on the right page for a moment! I like it- easy to see your latest style post! I love your red blazer with the red scarf- I’m looking for a red blazer that won’t give me eye spasms still!


  8. WOW WOW WOW!!! Your new blog layout is really awesome! I so love it! 😀 WOW! And I actually learned so many things about you that I didn’t knew, your About Me is so amazing! I didn’t knew that you have traveled all over the world. I’m so so jealous. My dream is to travel everywhere and that’s why I want to be a translator. Ahhh I was sure that I could never respect you more but now I see that you are really admirable!

    Anyway, I looooove this outfit! Red looks awesome on you! This blazer is so to die for, it’s really elegant and awesome and I waaant it! Gorgeous shoes, pants and bag as well! Actually everything’s gorgeous and you are stunning! 🙂 And yay, your hubby is coming back! I can’t imagine how happy you and my baby Red Bear are 😀

    Take care 😀

  9. You know what? Since I took pictures by myself these days while my hubby gone, I feel really has no confident in every outfits…heheh…plus the terrible weather these days, maybe I shouldn’t post any, if I don’t really feel good about it, what do you think?
    I am so happy that you like my new layout:)

  10. yes, last night, after my boy sleep, took me several hours to do that, and it havn’t totally done …OMG, it really tired me out…

  11. 嘻嘻, 主要是我边上的玩意多了, 以前的那个版不太够用了, 而且我现在基本上就是一天一更新, 所以这样看起来也算方便吧:)
    红色西服其实挺好搭的呢, 支持你买啊.

  12. HOHO, 我这几天自己拍拍得都有点烦了, 自己看都觉得不顺眼了, 呵呵, 确实是, 幸亏他回来了,

  13. 提前祝MM生日快乐!!! 至于今年多大吗, 猜不出, 不过小品相声歌曲里都说的: 祝年年18! 🙂

  14. 呀, 都说了我上次打错字了, 心里想着一个星期, 打出来却是一个月, 其实确实只有一个星期. 昨晚迈阿蜜机场起火, 还担心他航班延误呢, 幸亏只延误了9个小时….也够惨 的…

  15. 好消息就是生意有了一大跨步啦! 呵呵….95%的成功率吧, 按我的话说, 没钱到帐都不叫成功…
    其实黄色绿色也分不同色阶, 找对了穿应该也会好看的, 看看不妨多注意下:)

  16. 换版了,还很不习惯呢..不过换得更好看了.恭喜HALLIE人气越赖越旺

  17. 換了版面剛剛我還以為去錯了地方還一再打過地址…然後怎麼還是這裡的…哈哈
    原來bob不是去一個月呀, 是一個星期對你來說就像一個月一樣囉…

  18. 恭喜恭喜!应该庆祝一下!

  19. 汗….只是心血来潮换了个版面,,,,呵呵,,,

  20. 哈哈, 怎么个个都这么说呀,,,….
    你的BF要离开这么久啊, 那这段时间都谁帮你照相呢?你最近的搭配是越来越出彩了哦!

  21. 慢慢习惯吧, 谢谢Daisy一直以来的关注, 话说在YOKA上有个叫Daisy的人给我留言, 是你吗?

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