Happy Things

1. The fresh tomatoes and papaya from our garden.

2. The big package I just received this morning, gifted from American Apparel. Thank you Auralynn!

3. Red Bear was smiling with his new American Apparel swimsuit:)

18 thoughts on “Happy Things

  1. 妳不說是小木瓜,我還以為是紅蘿蔔呢?!


  2. 同意小欣妈咪,我也以为是红萝卜呢,小木瓜好可爱呢,要是再加一条青瓜,可以做成个笑脸啦。那就开心每一天啦。哈。期待Hallie赶快试穿出镜呢,原来RB最先试穿。

  3. 是啊,沒任何地方可看出它是小木瓜呢?!哈哈哈~

    我去逛了一下American Apparel網站,

  4. 你家种的还有木瓜啊?对了,你以前秀过你家花园,有很多不常见的植物。刚摘下的瓜果是新鲜得很呢,我们每天吃着自家院里摘的蔬菜,就觉得很幸福了,呵呵!

  5. Awww you too have a garden?? Isn’t it awesome? The vegetables are much tastier than the onew we buy from the market! My mum is kind of obsessed with her garden lol! Our peppers are soooo nice, but our tomatoes didn’t grow this year 🙁 There’s something wrong with them. Oh well! The package you got looks really really really interesting 😀 This red clutch is adorbs and I see something blue there…Can’t wait to see what it is! 😀 Awwwwwwwwww Red Bear <3 <3 ahahahha!! He is the cutest! His smile is really pretty! I bet he acts like crazy in the water lol! Kisses to both of you!!! 😀 <3

  6. 看着纷扰的亮丽颜色,迫不及待地等着看你的搭配啊,HALLIE!

  7. Haha…he’s such a cutie! I wish I had a garden too, but we live in a huge flat and there’s just cement around our building! :S

  8. 是咧, 还有木瓜, 可甜了!!! 实际情况是, 我家的水果品质都特别好, 特别甜, 新鲜就更别提了:)

  9. 台湾没有American Apparel店的吗? 她家的东西看起来不很起眼, 但穿上身还是很有型的

  10. 哈哈, SUE的想象力真丰富!!!! 我怎么没想到咧…本来我们是要种青瓜的, 但是青瓜实在是在市场上卖得便宜, 嘻嘻…

  11. 哈哈, 可能是因为这个小木瓜长得太小个吧, 不过很甜哦, 无籽:D

  12. 为什么我家的瓜果都要长一两年才好吃,第一年总是又小又酸,是品种不够好,还是水质、土壤的问题?要不就是你一定有什么诀窍!

  13. 品种, 水质, 土, 都是因素, 呵呵….还真没有什么诀窍呢:)

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