Happy Things

1. Thanks to my dear husband surprised me by gifted me this Karen Walker Sunglasses which I have been craving for long time.  Thank you honey! XO

2. The package I received from Zara before they launched the online store in USA, come with $150 gift card. Those name cards are amazing, it’s a very special and fantastic look in every states in USA.

3. Some of the items I got in my first shopping in Zara online store.

4. A yellow trousers and a Tee gifted by Romwe.com, Thanks!

5. Missoni for Target, I think most of you have know Target’s website crashed several times throughout the day and more than hundred shoppers lined up at many of its stores early in the morning on Tuesday for a sale of limited offerings. I have to say I am not really crazy about that(really??), And that’s what they have in our nearest Target store, only few items you can see from the picture. What I got? A  giant spider toy(no brand) for Red Bear! 🙂



30 thoughts on “Happy Things

  1. hallie的老公真浪漫~大大的驚喜,填滿整個心窩,hallie幸福極了~


  2. I love Karen Walker’s sunglasses, although they aren’t in my budget 🙁 May you wear them well! I shopped at Target yesterday, and saw a few crazy shoppers. I got the things I wanted. Too much frenzy for me though!

  3. Missoni for Target?!?!? Yes please!! And those new glasses are to die for! Love the Romwe trousers too<3
    oh! And cute spider too. hehe.


  4. 哗,好多蛇纹的,都很漂亮呢。相信Hallie收到这些礼物一定开心极了。等着看你的新品发布呢,呵呵。

  5. go check on Target website and store often, I think they might have some left later:) I am still not really crazy about that tough.

  6. 我還不知要怎麼配呢?

  7. Hi Hal!!! How are you? I’m sorry for vanishing again, but as I suspected this week I was crazy busy with studying and now I have two beautiful black eye bags to prove all these sleepless nights 🙁 🙁 :@ And it’s just the beginning..Aaanyway, I REALLY needed to see something happy right now and your post did make my mood! What’s better than a few gorgeous pieces? 😛 Look at these Karen Walkers! WOW!! Really? You.are.so.lucky! And as I said before, your husband has an eye for good stuff! Well done, mr. Bob, well done! 😀 😛 Zara is good too! These snake printed pieces look excellent! I can’t wait to see you rocking them! Because there’s no doubt you’re gonna rock them! 😀 And YES, at laaaast! Somebody agrees with me about Missoni for Target!!!! Come on now, what is nice about this collection? I don’t really like it and I don’t get why all these people got crazy over it! Can you imagine? The online site crashed! haha! It’s ridiculous! But ok. Everyone does whatever he likes, even if I can’t say I like it that all the bloggers will appear with these clothes soon. It will be kind of annoying. Whatever. It’s all in the styling after all!

  8. don’t worry about anything, my dear Demy, I am sorry that your study become so hard, and you even have a black eye bags? no way!!!! hey, but it’s the same problem I have too, how can I have black eye bags too? hehehe….but I know you are still looking cute and sexy even you have many sleepless nights…I remember those kissable lips and beautiful eyes…heheheh…. 😀

  9. 在高跟与平底鞋之间, 不是还有半高跟鞋的吗? 呵呵, …我就穿不来平底鞋, 觉得整个人都没了底气.

  10. 一直都想买个你那款雷朋,带偏光的~~~总也不打折~~~唉,最近每天开车时间太多,眼睛怕光,,又总觉得不打折有点贵~~~

  11. 觉得雷朋的墨镜100多一点,还算是比较公道的,投资一款经典款吧,可以戴很多年的!

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