Happy Things

1. colorful plaids, always make me happy!

2. Got some Hawaiian flower baby root 2 years ago, and so happy to see them start blooming.

3. One dish for tonight’s dinner, bell pepper from our garden, very fresh one:D

4. Spent $25 on the thrifted store last night, and got a perfect leather blazer and a wool coat..I love Fall!

5. A big sneezed after the flower-smelling, and gifted the flower to Mommy—Me! 😀

20 thoughts on “Happy Things

  1. 坐在沙发上等看新衣秀

  2. I can tell you’re getting ready for fall! Those plaids look great and I’m jealous of your thrifted finds…I’ve been looking for leather jackets!

  3. hallie快樂的事情真多!用心過生活,處處是驚喜~


  4. 25美金啊!真想夺你所“爱”, 呵呵!

  5. 真羨慕妳們有個果園的說。我們公寓式的房子有個小陽台就可偷笑了。

  6. 我把這2天新買的衣、褲PO網了喔~

  7. 25美金的收获,让我牙痒痒啊。

  8. 呵呵…..那你得算上我要拿去干洗的费用呀!!!!呵呵,,,不过怎么样, 也很便宜就是了…

  9. 好的, 我这就看看去啊…

  10. 你们那儿寸土寸金,开封这小地方地不值钱。

  11. 可是你家楼下就有小公园不是吗? ^^

  12. 对啊, 我们石榴也熟了, 不过家附近的小动物们已经把大多我们的劳动成果都吃光光了, 剩下的只有石榴了, 估计它们不喜欢那味道, 哈哈…

  13. 我呀, 现在生活简单, 头脑也简单了, 所以也容易因为一点小事情开心了:))

  14. 呵呵, 欢迎坐坐沙发:D

  15. 是啊,不過公園旁緊鄰著就是高樓大廈的,放眼望去還挺煞風景的。

  16. Awwwwwww this last picture is sooo gorgeous! It should be into a magazine! Red Bear is gonna be a very handsome boy, that’s for sure 😀 And omgosh, I need plaid in my life! The shirts and the wool coat look absolutely stunning! Can’t wait for the weather to chill a bit over here, so that I can wear my capes lol! It rained a few days ago for one day, and I was hoping it would keep on, but no… it’s too hot here again..:( Fall will come sometime, right? 😛

  17. really? I remember you have plaid shirt too. am I right? I see almost every student girls here wear plaid shirt, and they all look so lovely and adorable! I guess, when you are young, you can wear whatever you want and still look cute!!!
    Fall is start today!!! so Fall is here!!! right! 😀

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