Happy Things

One important resolution of 2012 for me follow more “organic living.”  I have been doing following a healthy lifestyle already,  thanks to our big garden.  We have lots of trees and other plants, so we can have fresh vegetable and fruits often.  Right now is the orange season here, and we are happy we can leave the doctor away for a while since we have a / few oranges a day now. 🙂

The green guava is my favorite fruit right now. Do you know guava has the second highest content of Vitamin C. It is also very high in the soluble fiber pectin, and it’s richest in antioxidants.
We have 2 Camellia japonica trees around the house; every time I see the flower, I know why Chanel likes them.  Aren’t they super gorgeous?

I was given the skin care travel set from Bodykor, after I got to know the owner in the park while Red Bear was playing with her son. So thanks to that first, “Hello”, we are becoming good friends now. That’s not the most important part I want to say, however; I want to tell you, you’ve got to try their “Fresh Cucumber Facial Mist,” it’s made by fresh cucumber juices, and is an anti-inflammatory that is naturally cooling, calming, and smells just like a fresh cut cucumber, I am telling you, I am going to get a big bottle of their Fresh Cucumber Facial mist ! If you are interested, check them up here.

About the pearl necklace, another sweet gift I got from Bob for Christmas.  [If you wondered, it’s pretty long — 102 inches!]  🙂

8 thoughts on “Happy Things

  1. The necklace is gorgeous! That facial mist sounds refreshing. I’ll have to check it out. I want a garden when we buy our 1st home. Fresh produce is the best.

  2. Wow, 102 inches! I’m imaging that that can be worn in so many different ways! Mmm, I’ve always loved the smell of Fresh Cucumber products and that sounds fantastic that it’s made by the fresh juices! Living more organically sounds like a very good resolution (: Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  3. 102 inches? haha, we’re talking about a loooong necklace! 😀
    It’s so nice that you have the chance to live in such a healthy environment, esp for Red Bear who’ll grow up in such a nice place! 🙂 Plus, eating oranges from your own trees is just perfect! But…guava? what is this lol? I have heard of it before…
    By the way, today in Greece it’s John’s name day, so I guess I should say Happy Name Day to my cute cute Red Bear even if you don’t celebrate it today 🙂 But I was thinking of the Johns I know (and they’re a looot, it’s the most frequent name in Greece at its greek translation, Giannis), and Red Bear came to my mind, so yeah…:)
    Hope you’re having a lovely weekend! 🙂

  4. The necklace & flower looks lovely! eating healtier sounds really good & would definitely check out the facial products!

  5. I think one of my life goals is to grow my own veggies and fruits one day. I have never had too much look gardening, so idk if I’ll follow through.

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