Hat On

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Last night a friend left a message to me in my Facebook; she said:

“I think I might be feeling I’m losing grip of the reality of my life lately, because i have been having this serious compulsion of buying clothing.  I mean, yeah, all these new trends are absolutely fabulous, but I am usually able to avoid buying any when I was occupied with other daily stuff.  But lately, I just couldn’t control myself and I just had that rush of excitement every time after I spent some serious $$$ shopping … it is not healthy & I know there are underlying issues coming to the surface of this shopping impulse.  I just hope whatever insecurity or worries or whatever emotion it is that is driving me this way will soon be resolved…”…

I haven’t replied to her message yet, and seriously, I don’t know how. I think style and clothes should bring us happiness, not become problems.  For me, when my budget is low, I can still enjoy fashion re-styling what I already have, or with a “do it yourself” fashion project, or shopping (even just window shopping!) in a vintage clothes store. Anybody there, who have better ideas?

G-Star Raw Hat, Zara Jacket and Sweatshirt(old)

Vintage Denim Vest(similar here), Free People Skirt(old, similar here)

Acne Booties, H&M Sunglasses, Zara Bag

10 thoughts on “Hat On

  1. 購物必須是帶來好心情的!建議她必須尋求幫助,像是心理醫生。


  2. wow! i’m slowly transitioning out of that same phase she is speaking of.. i can relate to how being busy helped me curb my spending but once i stopped working and became an at home mom, I found myself spending more than ever..def. part of insecurity i would say.. especially not being in the “scene” anymore. I guess I would say to her, to find support..a friend to help her battle this compulsion.. i would also say to fill the void with something less expensive, otherwise she’ll be broke and fabulous.

    love how you bring real issues to light on your blog! you look amazing and this outfit is so Ralph Lauren! the skirt is to die for!!


  3. Thrift shopping can fulfill that need as opposed to splurge shopping. Thrift shopping is always satisfying because you can find that one item that is like no other, plus it wont break the bank.

  4. Well put… I think it’s difficult to react. On one hand side, you’re not a psychotherapist – you’re a blogger who’s turned her styling passion into reality. On the other hand, it’s sweet that you’re being trusted and she’s looking for advice…
    Lovely outfit Hallie!

  5. The skirt that you’re wearing is super enjoyable for me…I’m not really sure why, but it’s fun! I don’t think I have any advice to offer, but I think you’ll figure out what to say – that your friends trusts you by telling you is already something ^^

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