He Is Not A Beauty, But He Is A Sweetie

Bob is very busy today, so I have to take picture by myself, one of my dog come out and I guess he wants to be in the photo too.

His name is Dino, we got him from a local Animal Shelter, at the beginning , he was just a little poppy(7 months old) and really into destroying things , now he become so big and I guess he has a big stomach too, since he always know what time there is no people around the house, so that he can come in and eat all the food around the house, like the cat food, Red Bear’s food, any other food that he can reach….

Well, he is not perfect, but he is still a sweetheart you can see from the photos. ^^And sometimes Red Bear ride him as a horse, and he has no complaint at all!

Another weekend coming, and Chinese New Year is coming soon, I know most of my Chinese readers have start their holiday day off already, wish you a very Happy Spring Festival!

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14 thoughts on “He Is Not A Beauty, But He Is A Sweetie

  1. 狗狗这么胖,HALLIE却越来越苗条啦~~~这么大的阳光,你却总是这么白皙,真羡慕嫉妒恨啊~~~BTW,最近我运气太好,总是坐沙发

  2. 呵呵,大家放假的放假,周末的周末,谢谢MM这么勤快的来看我,,,真的非常感谢:)

  3. 真胖的狗狗,看着脾气很好哦!你那里的天气真好啊,我这里好冷哦!

  4. 呵呵,他那是吃胖的, 越来越胖, 越胖就越喜欢吃!!!!
    COCO具体是住在哪里? 以前都没问过. ^^

  5. Dino很乖啊!很喜欢那些RB和狗狗玩的照片,我家现在只剩下三只狗了,最多时养了七只狗。

  6. 啊? 又有一个看看? 晕 ~~~~
    这大狗不是我拿来做道具的啦, 是他自己要抢上镜的…..呵呵…

  7. 哇, 看看家也厉害的, 我猜你的那七只狗是不是一只狗妈妈六只狗仔仔? 哈哈, 因为我小时候, 最多的时候家里有10几条狗, 两个狗妈妈, 其他是小狗仔…呵呵, 后来都卖的卖, 送人的送人了.

  8. 哈哈,是有狗妈妈但只有两只狗宝宝,还有几只是朋友寄养的狗狗。

  9. 哈哈, 怪不得了! 看来看看是出名的善良之辈, 人家把狗托给你看管比较放心. :))

  10. 他那是吃的, 什么时候喂他吃什么, 他全部一扫而光, 有时候甚至还要抢吃别只狗的食物, 害得我现在喂他们的时候都得把他们分别喂在不同的区域, 得有门锁着.:))

    他那眼神, 说不好听的, 有点Wei Xie, 哈哈, 这两个字不懂打啊….

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