He Ruined My Night

You saw me wear this dress yesterday, but it was just for a photo shoot. Last night, we were planning to go out for dinner, so I chose to wear this favorite white lace dress again. We took some pictures at a Performing Arts Center on the way to the restaurant. Thanks to Red Bear, all the time we were shooting pictures, he was playing with the water display there,  and he got TOTALLY wet by the time we finished taking pictures. He looked like he had gone swimming!  So we had to go back home to dry him off, and we ended up cooking and eating at home after all that. Thanks to Red Bear for ruining our dinner plans, but we still love him!

I am so obsessed with the metallic nail polish right now!  I tried a cheap one from Wet and Wild, which was the color of my nails today.  I’m not sure if I should get one from some designer collection yet.  What do you think?

White Lace Dress C/O Romwe.com

Theysken’s Theory Wedges

Chanel Bag

H&M necklace as bracelet

Rings from Target


32 thoughts on “He Ruined My Night

  1. Awww! Red Bear is a naughty little bear hahah!! Seems like little children obsess over water hahah! My little cousins LOVE getting wet, thankfully we live by the sea haha! As you said, he may ruined the night but we still love him! <3 <3 He is the cutest! 🙂
    Anyway, the dress is gorgeous! I love that you styled it in a completely different way! I think I love this one better, because it's kind of more rocker chic! The shoes are awesome! One of the pairs that I seriously crave 😀 You're stunning, Hal! As ever! Many many kisses! Take care and keep Red Bear away from water hahah! 😀

  2. 同一條裙子跟昨天相比,今天的穿搭簡約俐落。




  3. metallic nail polish!! ftw!! definitely a GO.
    The 2nd pic is fantabulous….So..sooo adorable… the hair<3<3
    Haahaha..Red Bear is always soo cute..just wanna pinch his cheeks 😉

  4. Stunning, Hallie! I love the second photo of you and Red Bear. My little C is always getting into puddles (it rains a lot here), mud and dirt! I do not go anywhere without a change of clothes for him these days. Sometimes a quiet evening at home can be just what you need. Now you have a date outfit all picked out for another night! 🙂
    Van // The Clothes We Wear // Wearing motherhood with style.

  5. 今季CHANEL出了新的甲油, 我看過有一個金屬色的蠻好看, 在想要不要買.
    我自己也有類似的甲油, 一支FOREVER 21, 一支CHANEL, 下次塗給你看!!!!
    我想這個系列也很好搭衣服的, 只是現在國內跟港澳很流行一種看起來像金屬亮片的我就不喜歡了, 感覺太假和俗套.



  6. i seriously am in love with everything you wore! 🙂

    and about tutorial haha thanks
    I’m not great at doing my hair myself
    but as of things I know I will consider doing tutorial vid or photos to explain really simple do’s
    thanks for suggestion! please give me advice and suggestion anytime!

  7. You got my vote with this elegant,excellent outfit! This is one of my favorite outfits from your blog,your know?jaja:DThe second pic is a warmly pic,i like to see that!haha,RB hugging his pretty Mum,:D He is a good boy,though he had ruined your romantic dinner plans,jajaja,be sure you did enjoy the dinner with him in your own home.


  8. 好象我们这也有这种金属色的指甲油呢,在修甲的店里经常看到,也可以试涂的,不知道跟Hallie的是不是一样的呢。RB玩水应该很开心啦。没到外面吃上饭是可惜了的,但一家人一起在家吃也好哦。温馨而宁静的。昨天周末我们一家象赶场一样,超大热天的,一整天到处跑,一直吃,实在是很累人哦,也有饱得难受的感觉。嘻。还真想在家呆着呢。。

  9. 喜欢黑白配,金属色甲油很酷!RB在研究水是怎么喷出来的吧?呵呵,小孩子都喜欢玩水。

  10. BOB很谦虚的, 他经常说这种相片换谁都能拍, 可是模特就不是谁都可以扮的. 他的总结就是:一张相片的好坏,我的作用最大:),,,呵呵....这个老公谦虚吧..

  11. 呵呵,还是JACKIE有先见之明...
    特别要谢谢你告诉我TB上这张相片,她这绝对是盗用图片,而且她卖的是WR的牛仔裤, 我当时穿的是LEVIS的牛仔裤, 根本就是乱来的!!!晕死...

  12. 是啊,喜欢玩水,还喜欢玩泥.....两样让妈妈都很头疼的事:)

  13. 周末的时候我就喜欢到处跑, 呵呵,因为我在这边不工作了,一般就是呆家里, 难得出去走走...所以有机会我就往外跑,管它是热是冷,呵呵....

  14. heheeh….normally when we are home, RB has different meal time with us. he only eat when he is hungry, lol…so mostly, I only feed him when he ask for…good thing is he has very good appetite. 🙂

    I don’t mind to eat at home at all….yesterday we did BBQ around the poor…ate too much:)

  15. 嗯嗯,今天换金色油玩玩:)

  16. Keep Red Bear away from water???? How??? lol….did you ever success to keep your little cousins getting wet? hehehe,,,give me some good tips please…
    Maybe we are not that much mind his getting wet:D

  17. 恩,还喜欢这眼镜。还有小家伙捧大腿的可爱小模样。更喜欢字里行间流露出来对宝贝的爱~

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