Help Give Hope to a Child With Leukemia

(How would you feel when chocolate melting in your mouth?)

Got a letter in the mailbox a few days ago from somebody calling himself/herself “Neighborhood Volunteer.” The title in the letter is: “Help give hope to a child with leukemia.” It was asking for support for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, a charity that helps children with leukemia and other blood cancers.

After reading the mail, I learned that every 10 minutes a child or adult is expected to die from blood cancers, and Leukemia & Lymphoma are the leading cause of death among children. All the donated money will help support patient services in the community and across America, and it will fund vitally important research that is searching for new treatments and cures for all blood cancers including leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.  That will help people all around the world.

After becoming a Mom, I realize how important for parents to have a healthy kid, and how important for parents to get support when their kids need medical support. About 10 years ago, I knew a co-worker’s daughter, she was only 12 years old when they found out she had blood cancer.  Although the whole company/society community donated money for supporting her, the poor girl didn’t make it to the end, and she was the only child my co-worker had. It’s a sad story. Thanks to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, children and adults with blood cancers have more hope than ever of surviving cancer.

Not only are we going to help with a donation, but we will always support all the charities who really care about the future—our children. We love our son, from the bottoms of our hearts!

Indeed, in our daily life, we are doing every little thing for lots of good charities.  In addition to giving money, we donate the clothing/shoes/furniture we don’t use anymore; we buy things from thrift stores, not only because it costs only little money, but for the charity cause also (for me, at least). We go to animal shelter to bring a dog/kitty home to save their lives, and give them a Home.  We go to church and donate money for God’s sake, and we make sure Red Bear buys toys to give to less fortunate little children through the Toys for Tots charity.  They say, “It’s better to give than to receive,” and it really feels that way!

One fun way to support charity and to enjoy your “passion for fashion” at the same time is to donate our useless clothes/shoes and to shop for vintage clothes at a thrift shop operated by a good charity .  Some of my favorite thrift shops here in California are those run by the National Council of Jewish Women. Rescue Mission, Salvation Army, and Goodwill.  These shops use their proceeds to support the good work of their charities.

One of the picture is entrying to the Chictopia’s Week of Giving. I hope you can join me there too!

Chictopia knows giving back is important.  YOU CAN HELP!  Chictopia is going to pick three charities for its community to support and donate to this year as part of the first ever Chictopia Week of Giving!  (I will very appreciate if you can log on your account in Chictopia, and add my picture here as your favorite) Or you can start posting your picture now, because just by entering, you’re adding $1 to the total Chictopia will donate! Thanks for Giving!

I was wearing: Thrifted Coat/clutch/shirt, H&M sweater, Zara Pants, Miu Miu Heels, Karen Walker Sunglasses

30 thoughts on “Help Give Hope to a Child With Leukemia

  1. 真不知道什么原因,左边的那图标会一直在正文挡住的,有时会弹到中间,有时又会回复原位,很影响我的阅读与心情哦。都看不到完整的正文,怎么办呢?好象也有点不太稳定的。

  2. we donate toys and clothes too @ my house and I’m not sure about money but in the scouts and school sometimes we go to raise funds for certain charities and it really does feel great to give and I think it’s really amazing that you’re telling about this on ur blog even if some people r too lazy to read lol and about ur look- beautiful!!! all the colours!!!! it so beautiful 2gether!!!!! and RB is matching!!! hahaha and I love ur jacket!!!!! have a nice weekend:) I went 2 Twilight Breaking Dawn so I personally had the best weekend!! haha xoxo

  3. Heeey, you watched it? And? Did you like it? I’m going on the 23rd of December to watch it (earlier is impossible because of homework and stuff) and I reeeeaaally can’t wait to watch it! 😀

  4. Hallie, you’re an angel. What you’re doing is amazing. You know, not a lot of people choose to raise awareness for severe issues like this one, even by a simple blog post. I appreciate it and I’m also sad about your co-worker’s child. It’s…terrifying. To know that little kids and..anyone can dye from cancer. Jesus. It’s horrible, but unfortunately it happens all the time and I’m pretty sure that not even a single person on this world hasn’t faced a similar situation. My grandpa died from blood cancer a few years ago. So, all this to say that I’m grateful that you decided to post this and take part in Chictopia’s week of giving. Chictopia always comes up with new ideas and even if 7 months have already gone by since I left, I still keep in touch with the community. I faved your picture, by the way. I would fave it even if it wasn’t for a good purpose, because the outfit is gorgeous. All these colors, wow! And again, sweater over shirt! No need to say more! I love everything! I always have this feeling that you should walk down New York streets lol! 🙂
    And of course Red Bear’s pic is PRECIOUS, OUT OF THIS WORLD! And it made me want to eat chocolate (which I’m doing this very moment hahah! I consider you guilty for the extra calories I got :P)
    Many many kisses! Hope you have an amazing weekend 🙂 Mine is not exactly interesting, well..unless you consider History, Ancient Greek and Literature interesting. I do, but not on Saturdays 😛 Byyye!

  5. it was AMAZING! really really similar to the book!!!! I ordered 3 weeks ahead 2 get good seats lol

  6. 好喜歡這身搭配!覺得還是鮮豔色系的服裝最適合妳了!維他命色系穿在親愛的身上真是太漂亮了。。。大大的喜歡呢!

  7. 親愛的不僅人漂亮心地也善良,會那麼喜歡妳不是沒有原因的!妳就像是個天使一樣。。。

  8. You’re an angel,bravo for you for writing this text,you never-maybe you’ll change someones life!
    You look perfect as always,I’m so into blouse+sweater look lately too;)

  9. love those blue jeans with the red blazer. so chic and bold!! you rock it so well 😀 i agree, charity is so important especially since we get so much from society, we should also give back (if we are financial capable of doing so). i personally like tzu chi 😀

  10. Oh my godd red bear look so cute when chocolate melted in his mouth lol funny pics <3
    wow great layering! its brilliant!! I'm so in love with the coat! and the color blocked never boring! great style and inspiring 😀

  11. Hi Hallie! sometimes I’m sad not to see blogs like yours every day, I would like to participate more and comment as well, but unfortunately I do not have much time: (
    From the homepage I came to this post (09/18/11) saving your picture to my inspiration folder. You are gorgeous! ♥ You inspire me a lot! Their creativity is really admirable. ♥
    As for your question about cutting hair, I’m very in favor of taking a short cut!
    You will get much more stylish. I admire you so much more!
    Hair grows!
    ~ Big kiss. ~
    Flavia Alessandra
    your fan from Brazil!

  12. 正红的外套加上蓝色的指甲,美不胜收。。。这些颜色为什么搭在你身上这么有格调和看头呢?


  13. 看你, 把我夸的,,,我都看不下去了, 哈哈….不过就象你说的, 很多时候在能力范围内做点好事, 了解到惜福的重要, 益己益人:)

  14. yes, the sad story happen all the time, my mom died for cancer, so I am in the high risk group now,,,which make me more cherish what I have right now…so just enjoy the feeling when we have chocolate melting in the mouth:) not to consider the extra calories please…lol.
    Ancient Greek sounds fun for me, right now…I wish I can learn more:D

  15. hahaha,,,,yes, sometimes, I am that type of people too lazy to read…lol…but I m glad you read, and I am glad you love the jacket too!! have a nice week!!!

  16. 可以理解SUE的苦恼呢, 可是为什么没见别人反应类似的情况呢? 亲爱的换台电脑试试看? 看看是不是你现在的这台电脑的浏览器需要升级了? 你用火狐的吗?

  17. 没有用,就IE吧。公司电脑是老古董,只能将就一下,回家有时间再看。最近还是很忙,也不知道什么时候可以好好休息。看来要等过新年才能咯。不过还是要照顾YY。Hallie有确定什么时候能回国吗?等消息呢。到时会停更新,休息一下的吗?

  18. 鮮豔色我們都稱為『維他命色』,那些純黃、純藍、純紅等等的。不覺得很像小時候吃營養藥罐裡的膠囊嗎?我第1次在節目上聽到時,也覺得這個名稱好貼切好可愛呢! 🙂

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