Hidden Chateau & Gardens

Last weekend, by a chance we stopped by the “Hidden Chateau & Gardens,” which is a designated historical building built in 1934.  It was the home of a world-famous actor of that era named Francis Lederer, who designed the place himself.  Nowadays they sometimes rent it out for weddings and parties. It looks very much like an older Spanish mission-style building, surrounded by interesting gardens with fountains, as you can see from the pictures.  Part of the Hidden Gardens is a store called the Canoga Mission Gallery.  The stuff there was very nice, tons of vintage clothing, jewelry, unique furniture, and house decorating items.  When the shopkeeper saw us taking pictures outside, she opened the gate and let us in, and turned on all the water and lights on to entertain us, even though we didn’t buy anything at the end. We all agree with Red Bear’s word:” This is  a nice and pretty place”.

In case you are going to be in the area, or want more information, you can check out these places here:  www.hiddengarden.com

I was wearing: J. Crew Cropped sleeveless Trench and plaid shirt, Zara Pants,  Acne Boots, Karen Walker Sunglasses and Gucci Bag

25 thoughts on “Hidden Chateau & Gardens

  1. 如RB所說,這裡真是一個漂亮的地方。
    今天妳和RB都是條紋喔!果然妳最近癡迷於條紋喔~可愛的親子裝> <


  2. 好热爱生活的一家子哦!又带孩子出去玩了!我是懒妈一个,好少带两个小宝出去的,应该向你学习,呵呵!

  3. 呵呵,带孩子出去玩也不光是为了孩子啦, 是我这当妈的总想到处转转走走:))

  4. 就是就是,其实一个店里的店里态度真的很决定是不是有回头客的,就看不惯一些店员的势利眼,看你什么肤色,拿什么包,就给什么脸色...所以现在我就算没有钱,也喜欢进这里高档的百货公司看,店员都特别的礼貌,每个人见到你都一脸笑容,问个好什么的.一看就知道是专业训练的, 哈哈!!!!

  5. That place is gorgeous. I can imagine it would lovely for an outdoor wedding. There is so much history and life in old buildings like this! Love your top and the knot. RB — so CUTE! He’s obviously very excited to be there.

  6. 就是啊,你在美国还好啦,最可气是:我同学在香港买化妆品,SA一看是内地的都爱理不理的,这同根同源的,只能说她们太肤浅。

  7. I envy you…it seems like there is always something to do and to see there. This house looks amazing! And off course, you look amazing…love the plaided shirt, the vest and yessss the pistol boots 😉

  8. 好喜欢田园的感觉。身处那景色一定很舒服的。Hallie以后会再带RB去那玩吧?RB这么喜欢那。Hallie一家就是喜欢到处玩到处转的。幸福的一家。。

  9. 不止膚淺而且可惡!我想那家店應該也開不了多久吧?!服務業就是要以客為貴才是。

  10. 对啊,我当时就在想, 如果我有机会也开个小店, 就想弄成这种格调的...:)

  11. Hii!!! LOL what is this scary thing with the blue eyes on the grass? ahhahahahha!!!! It’s sooooo funny!!!!! Its eyes are SO scary bahahahah! Anyway, I have to agree with Red Bear, this place is magical and it indeed looks like these Spanish gardens! And the fountains, the images are all so lovely. I won’t get on talking again about all the gorgeous and new places in your place lol! Anyway, your look is perfect for a relaxed day. I think you’re the queen of plaid shirts! You always style them in perfect ways! I ADORE sleeveless trench! I want one like thaaaat! It makes every look a bit more…safari-ish. Of course, the bag is adorable, every time you wear it, you rock it! 😀 I do also crave your Acne booties <3 SO gorgeous! SO gorgeous!
    Oh and Red Bear found his paradise in this place as I can see lol! You captured him when he threw the cobbles in the air wow!!! Talk about photography skills hahahha! 😀

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